
Saeed Iqbal

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9EESaeed Iqbal, Graham F. Carey: Performance of parallel computations with dynamic processor allocation. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 24(2): 135-143 (2008)
8EELaura Gilbert, Jeff Tseng, Rhys Newman, Saeed Iqbal, Ronald Pepper, Onur Celebioglu, Jenwei Hsieh, Victor Mashayekhi, Mark Cobban: Implications of virtualization on Grids for high energy physics applications. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 66(7): 922-930 (2006)
7 Tarek K. Alameldin, Saeed Iqbal: Mobile Extensions To Distance Learning - A Novel Approach. FECS 2005: 161-165
6EELaura Gilbert, Jeff Tseng, Rhys Newman, Saeed Iqbal, Ronald Pepper, Onur Celebioglu, Jenwei Hsieh, Mark Cobban: Performance Implications of Virtualization and Hyper-Threading on High Energy Physics Applications in a Grid Environment. IPDPS 2005
5 Tarek K. Alameldin, Saeed Iqbal, Vishal Saberwal: Security Enhancement on Mobile Devices Using Steganography. ISWS 2005: 29-34
4 Tarek K. Alameldin, Saeed Iqbal: MOBIT: Design and Development of Telemedicine System on Mobile Devices. International Conference on Internet Computing 2005: 238-241
3 Tarek K. Alameldin, Saeed Iqbal, Vishal Saberwal: MHealth: Study of E-Health Care Extension on Mobile Devices. METMBS 2005: 247-253
2 Tarek K. Alameldin, Saeed Iqbal, Vishal Saberwal: Steganography Analysis on Mobile Devices. Security and Management 2005: 392-397
1EESaeed Iqbal, Graham F. Carey: Performance analysis of dynamic load balancing algorithms with variable number of processors. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 65(8): 934-948 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Tarek K. Alameldin [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
2Graham F. Carey [1] [9]
3Onur Celebioglu [6] [8]
4Mark Cobban [6] [8]
5Laura Gilbert [6] [8]
6Jenwei Hsieh [6] [8]
7Victor Mashayekhi [8]
8Rhys Newman [6] [8]
9Ronald Pepper [6] [8]
10Vishal Saberwal [2] [3] [5]
11Jeff Tseng [6] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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