
Nobutaka Imamura

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2EESoichi Shigeta, Nobutaka Imamura, Haruyasu Ueda, Hiromichi Kobashi, Miho Murata, Taketoshi Yoshida, Atsushi Kubota, Akira Asato, Yoshimasa Kadooka: Grid Service Platform: Design and Implementation of Grid Middleware for Telecom Carriers. e-Science 2006: 110
1 Kenichi Hayashi, Tsunehisa Doi, Takeshi Horie, Yoichi Koyanagi, Osamu Shiraki, Nobutaka Imamura, Toshiyuki Shimizu, Hiroaki Ishihata, Tatsuya Shindo: AP1000+: Architectural Support of PUT/GET Interface for Parallelizing Compiler. ASPLOS 1994: 196-207

Coauthor Index

1Akira Asato [2]
2Tsunehisa Doi [1]
3Kenichi Hayashi [1]
4Takeshi Horie [1]
5Hiroaki Ishihata [1]
6Yoshimasa Kadooka [2]
7Hiromichi Kobashi [2]
8Yoichi Koyanagi [1]
9Atsushi Kubota [2]
10Miho Murata [2]
11Soichi Shigeta [2]
12Toshiyuki Shimizu [1]
13Tatsuya Shindo [1]
14Osamu Shiraki [1]
15Haruyasu Ueda [2]
16Taketoshi Yoshida [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)