
Jorge Igual

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15EERaul Llinares, Jorge Igual, Addisson Salazar, Julio Miró-Borrás, Arturo Serrano: Atrial Activity Extraction Based on Statistical and Spectral Features. ICA 2009: 451-458
14EEAddisson Salazar, Arturo Serrano, Raul Llinares, Luis Vergara, Jorge Igual: ICA Mixture Modeling for the Classification of Materials in Impact-Echo Testing. ICA 2009: 702-709
13EEArturo Serrano, Addisson Salazar, Jorge Igual, Luis Vergara: Image Similarity Based on Hierarchies of ICA Mixtures. ICA 2007: 786-793
12EERaul Llinares, Jorge Igual: Identification of compounds in ice analogs with NMF algorithms. IJCNN 2007: 1548-1553
11EEAddisson Salazar, Jorge Igual, Luis Vergara, Arturo Serrano: Learning Hierarchies from ICA Mixtures. IJCNN 2007: 2271-2276
10EEJorge Igual, Raul Llinares, Andrés Camacho: Source separation with priors on the power spectrum of the sources. ESANN 2006: 331-336
9EEJorge Igual, Raul Llinares, Addisson Salazar: Source Separation of Astrophysical Ice Mixtures. ICA 2006: 368-375
8EEAddisson Salazar, Jorge Gosálbez, Jorge Igual, Raul Llinares, Luis Vergara: Two Applications of Independent Component Analysis for Non-destructive Evaluation by Ultrasounds. ICA 2006: 406-413
7EERaul Llinares, Jorge Igual, José Millet, Maria Guillem: Independent Component Analysis of Body Surface Potential Mapping Recordings with Atrial Fibrillation. IJCNN 2006: 2287-2294
6EEFrancisco Castells, Jorge Igual, José Millet, José Joaquín Rieta: Atrial activity extraction from atrial fibrillation episodes based on maximum likelihood source separation. Signal Processing 85(3): 523-535 (2005)
5EEFrancisco Castells, Jorge Igual, Vicente Zarzoso, José Joaquín Rieta, José Millet: Exploiting Spatiotemporal Information for Blind Atrial Activity Extraction in Atrial Arrhythmias. ICA 2004: 18-25
4EEAddisson Salazar, Luis Vergara, Jorge Igual, Jorge Gosálbez, Ramón Miralles: ICA Model Applied to Multichannel Non-destructive Evaluation by Impact-Echo. ICA 2004: 470-477
3EEJorge Igual, Andrés Camacho, Luis Vergara: A Blind Source Separation Technique for Extracting Sinusoidal Interferences in Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing. VLSI Signal Processing 38(1): 25-34 (2004)
2EEJorge Igual, Luis Vergara, Andrés Camacho, Ramón Miralles: Independent component analysis with prior information about the mixing matrix. Neurocomputing 50: 419-438 (2003)
1EEJorge Igual, Andrés Camacho, Pablo Bernabeu, Luis Vergara: A maximum a posteriori estimate for the source separation problem with statistical knowledge about the mixing matrix. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(15): 2519-2523 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Pablo Bernabeu [1]
2Andrés Camacho [1] [2] [3] [10]
3Francisco Castells [5] [6]
4Jorge Gosálbez [4] [8]
5Maria Guillem [7]
6Raul Llinares [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [14] [15]
7José Millet [5] [6] [7]
8Ramón Miralles [2] [4]
9Julio Miró-Borrás [15]
10José Joaquín Rieta [5] [6]
11Addisson Salazar [4] [8] [9] [11] [13] [14] [15]
12Arturo Serrano [11] [13] [14] [15]
13Luis Vergara [1] [2] [3] [4] [8] [11] [13] [14]
14Vicente Zarzoso [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)