
Jorge Gosálbez

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6EEJorge Moragues, Luis Vergara, Jorge Gosálbez, Ignacio Bosch: An extended energy detector for non-Gaussian and non-independent noise. Signal Processing 89(4): 656-661 (2009)
5EEAddisson Salazar, Juan M. Unió, Arturo Serrano, Jorge Gosálbez: Neural Networks for Defect Detection in Non-destructive Evaluation by Sonic Signals. IWANN 2007: 638-645
4EEAddisson Salazar, Jorge Gosálbez, Jorge Igual, Raul Llinares, Luis Vergara: Two Applications of Independent Component Analysis for Non-destructive Evaluation by Ultrasounds. ICA 2006: 406-413
3EEAddisson Salazar, Luis Vergara, Jorge Igual, Jorge Gosálbez, Ramón Miralles: ICA Model Applied to Multichannel Non-destructive Evaluation by Impact-Echo. ICA 2004: 470-477
2EERamón Miralles, Luis Vergara, Jorge Gosálbez: Material grain noise analysis by using higher-order statistics. Signal Processing 84(1): 197-205 (2004)
1EELuis Vergara, Jorge Gosálbez, J. V. Fuente, Ramón Miralles, Ignacio Bosch: Measurement of cement porosity by centroid frequency profiles of ultrasonic grain noise. Signal Processing 84(12): 2315-2324 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Ignacio Bosch [1] [6]
2J. V. Fuente [1]
3Jorge Igual [3] [4]
4Raul Llinares [4]
5Ramón Miralles [1] [2] [3]
6Jorge Moragues [6]
7Addisson Salazar [3] [4] [5]
8Arturo Serrano [5]
9Juan M. Unió [5]
10Luis Vergara [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)