
Marie Iding

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18EEMarie Iding, Brent Auernheimer, Martha E. Crosby: Towards a metacognitive approach to credibility. WICOW 2008: 75-80
17EEMarie Iding, James Skouge, Joakim Peter: The computer and the canoe: web-based communities across the Pacific Islands. IJWBC 4(1): 5-16 (2008)
16EEMarie Iding, Joan C. Nordbotten, J. Malkeet Singh: Credibility: Norwegian Students Evaluate Media Studies Web Sites. Education for the 21st Century 2006: 327-331
15EELuz Marina Quiroga, Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding: Reducing Cognitive Load. HICSS 2004
14EEMartha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, David N. Chin: Research on Task Complexity as a Foundation for Augmented Cognition. HICSS 2003: 132
13EEBarbara Klemm, Marie Iding, Thomas Speitel, Thanhtruc Nguyen: Designing Web-Assessable Virtual Professional Development for Teachers. HICSS 2002: 139
12EEMarie Iding, Brent Auernheimer, Martha E. Crosby, Barbara Klemm: Guidelines for Designing Evaluations of Web-Based Instructional Materials. HICSS 2002: 139
11 Martha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, Barbara Klemm: Judging the Veracity of Web Sites. ICCE 2002: 251-252
10EEMarie Iding, Martha E. Crosby, Thomas Speitel, Thanhtruc Nguyen, Tyra Shimabuku: Cooperative and Collaborative Learning in Computer-based Science Instruction. HICSS 2001
9EEMartha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, David N. Chin: Nontraditional Computer Support for Design and User Evaluation - Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2001
8EEBarbara Klemm, Marie Iding, Martha E. Crosby: Polygraph Diagrams for Holistic Visualization of Data Sets using Multiple-Units of Analysis. HICSS 2001
7EEMartha E. Crosby, Marie Iding, David N. Chin: Visual Search and Background Complexity: Does the Forest Hide the Trees? User Modeling 2001: 225-227
6 Marie Iding, Thomas Speitel, Martha E. Crosby: Machine Interviewing for Assessing Student Learning. WCCE 2001: 217-225
5 Marie Iding, Robert E. Landsman, Thanhtruc Nguyen: Critical Evaluation of Scientific Websites by High School Students. WCCE 2001: 373-382
4 Marie Iding, Martha E. Crosby, Brent Auernheimer: Does interactivity influence learning in Web-based environments? WebNet 2001: 249-250
3 Martha E. Crosby, Barbara Klemm, Marie Iding: Human-Computer Interaction in Educational Multimedia: Then and Now. WebNet 2000: 106-110
2 Thomas Speitel, Marie Iding, Barbara Klemm: Hypermedia Enhancement of a Print-Based Constructivist Science Textbook. HCI (1) 1999: 372-375
1 Thomas Speitel, Marie Iding, Martha E. Crosby, Tyra Shimabuku: Computer-Aided Learner Electronic Portfolio Software Development. WebNet 1999: 1619-1620

Coauthor Index

1Brent Auernheimer [4] [12] [18]
2David N. Chin [7] [9] [14]
3Martha E. Crosby [1] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [18]
4Barbara Klemm [2] [3] [8] [11] [12] [13]
5Robert E. Landsman [5]
6Thanhtruc Nguyen [5] [10] [13]
7Joan C. Nordbotten [16]
8Joakim Peter [17]
9Luz Marina Quiroga [15]
10Tyra Shimabuku [1] [10]
11J. Malkeet Singh [16]
12James Skouge [17]
13Thomas Speitel [1] [2] [6] [10] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)