
Bon-Woo Hwang

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20EEYuji Yamauchi, Hironobu Fujiyoshi, Bon-Woo Hwang, Takeo Kanade: People detection based on co-occurrence of appearance and spatiotemporal features. ICPR 2008: 1-4
19EEBon-Woo Hwang, Seong-Whan Lee: Reconstructing a Whole Face Image from a Partially Damaged or Occluded Image by Multiple Matching. ICB 2007: 692-701
18EEBon-Woo Hwang, Sungmin Kim, Seong-Whan Lee: A Full-Body Gesture Database for Human Gesture Analysis. IJPRAI 21(6): 1069-1084 (2007)
17EEBon-Woo Hwang, Sungmin Kim, Seong-Whan Lee: A Full-Body Gesture Database for Automatic Gesture Recognition. FG 2006: 243-248
16EEJooyoung Park, Daesung Kang, James T. Kwok, Sang-Woong Lee, Bon-Woo Hwang, Seong-Whan Lee: Facial Image Reconstruction by SVDD-Based Pattern De-noising. ICB 2006: 129-135
15EESang-Woong Lee, Ho-Choul Jung, Bon-Woo Hwang, Seong-Whan Lee: Authenticating corrupted photo images based on noise parameter estimation. Pattern Recognition 39(5): 910-920 (2006)
14EEBon-Woo Hwang, Sungmin Kim, Seong-Whan Lee: 2D and 3D Full-Body Gesture Database for Analyzing Daily Human Gestures. ICIC (1) 2005: 611-620
13EEHo-Choul Jung, Bon-Woo Hwang, Seong-Whan Lee: Authenticating Corrupted Face Image Based on Noise Model. FGR 2004: 272-277
12EEBon-Woo Hwang, Myung-Cheol Roh, Seong-Whan Lee: Performance Evaluation of Face Recognition Algorithms on Asian Face Database. FGR 2004: 278-283
11EEHo-Choul Jung, Bon-Woo Hwang, Sang-Woong Lee, Seong-Whan Lee: Corrupted Face Image Authentication Based on Noise Model. ICBA 2004: 187-194
10EESeong-Whan Lee, Jeong-Seon Park, Bon-Woo Hwang: How Can We Reconstruct Facial Image from Partially Occluded or Low-Resolution One?. SINOBIOMETRICS 2004: 386-399
9EEBon-Woo Hwang, Jeong-Seon Park, Seong-Whan Lee: Synthesis of High-Resolution Facial Image Based on Top-Down Learning. AVBPA 2003: 377-384
8EEBon-Woo Hwang, Hyeran Byun, Myung-Cheol Roh, Seong-Whan Lee: Performance Evaluation of Face Recognition Algorithms on the Asian Face Database, KFDB. AVBPA 2003: 557-565
7EEBon-Woo Hwang, Seong-Whan Lee: Reconstruction of Partially Damaged Face Images Based on a Morphable Face Model. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 25(3): 365-372 (2003)
6EESeonghoon Kang, Bon-Woo Hwang, Seong-Whan Lee: Multiple People Tracking Based on Temporal Color Feature. IJPRAI 17(6): 931-949 (2003)
5EEBon-Woo Hwang, Seong-Whan Lee: Face Reconstruction from Partial Information Based on a Morphable Face Model. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2002: 501-510
4EEBon-Woo Hwang, Seong-Whan Lee: Face Reconstruction with a Morphable Face Model. ICPR (2) 2002: 366-369
3EEBon-Woo Hwang, Volker Blanz, Thomas Vetter, Seong-Whan Lee: Face Reconstruction Using a Small Set of Feature Points. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2000: 308-315
2EEJae-Jin Kim, Bon-Woo Hwang, Seong-Whan Lee: Retrieval of the Top N Matches with Support Vector Machines. ICPR 2000: 2716-2719
1EEBon-Woo Hwang, Seong-Whan Lee, Volker Blanz, Thomas Vetter: Face Reconstruction from a Small Number of Feature Points. ICPR 2000: 2838-2837

Coauthor Index

1Volker Blanz [1] [3]
2Hyeran Byun [8]
3Hironobu Fujiyoshi [20]
4Ho-Choul Jung [11] [13] [15]
5Takeo Kanade [20]
6Daesung Kang [16]
7Seonghoon Kang [6]
8Jae-Jin Kim [2]
9Sungmin Kim [14] [17] [18]
10James Tin-Yau Kwok (James T. Kwok) [16]
11Sang-Woong Lee [11] [15] [16]
12Seong-Whan Lee [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
13Jeong-Seon Park [9] [10]
14Jooyoung Park [16]
15Myung-Cheol Roh [8] [12]
16Thomas Vetter [1] [3]
17Yuji Yamauchi [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)