
Larry Hughes

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26EELarry Hughes, Atekeh Maghsoudlou: An Efficient Coverage-based Flooding Scheme for Geocasting in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. AINA (1) 2006: 517-522
25EEMuhammad Hassan Raza, Larry Hughes: Determining Density in Ad hoc Networks. CCECE 2006: 2160-2163
24EELarry Hughes, Jian Wang: Cartesian Core Routing and Cartesian Border Gateway Design. CNSR 2006: 317-319
23EEMohammad Farajmandi, Larry Hughes: The Design and Implementation of a Cartesian Router. CNSR 2005: 84-90
22EENirav Sheth, Larry Hughes: Router Design for Optical Cartesian Networks. CNSR 2005: 9-15
21EELarry Hughes, Hosein Marzi, Yanting Lin: A New Approach in Designing Interprocess Communication for Real-Time Systems. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 15(2): 259-264 (2005)
20EELarry Hughes, Ying Zhang: Self-Limiting, Adaptive Protocols for Controlled Flooding in Ad Hoc Networks. CNSR 2004: 33-38
19 Larry Hughes, Abdul-Kadhim Hay'awi: Analysis of Java-Based End-to-End Wireless Internet Security. ICWI 2004: 350-358
18EEXianhui Xie, Larry Hughes: Statistic-based Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. ITCC (2) 2004: 390-394
17EELarry Hughes, Kafil Shumon, Ying Zhang: Cartesian Ad Hoc Routing Protocols. ADHOC-NOW 2003: 287-292
16EELarry Hughes, Omid Banyasad, Evan J. Hughes: Cartesian routing. Computer Networks 34(3): 455-466 (2000)
15EELarry Hughes: Process migration and its influence on interprocess communication. Computer Communications 21(9): 781-792 (1998)
14 Larry Hughes: Event Handling in the Lego System. Softw., Pract. Exper. 27(3): 291-310 (1997)
13EERon Classen, Larry Hughes, Elizabeth Leboffe, Wayne Smith: Data communications in the undergraduate computer science curriculum (abstract). SIGCSE 1995: 390-391
12 Larry Hughes, Mike Thomson: Implosion-Avoidance Protocols for Reliable Group Communications. LCN 1994: 218-227
11 Larry Hughes: Object Identification in the Lego Kernel. Softw., Pract. Exper. 23(4): 405-418 (1993)
10EELarry Hughes: Teaching operating systems using Turbo C. SIGCSE 1992: 181-186
9EELarry Hughes: Identifying migrated objects using multicast addresses. Computer Communications 14(7): 423-431 (1991)
8EELarry Hughes: Using a low-cost communications tool in data communications courses (tutorial session). SIGCSE 1990: 259
7EELarry Hughes: Edmund: A Multicast Kernel for Distributed Application. SIGSMALL/PC Symposium 1990: 296-304
6EELarry Hughes: Low-cost networks and gateways for teaching data communications. SIGCSE 1989: 6-11
5EELarry Hughes: Multicast response handling taxonomy. Computer Communications 12(1): 39-46 (1989)
4EELarry Hughes: Gateway designs for internetwork multicast communication. Computer Communications 12(3): 123-130 (1989)
3EELarry Hughes: Chat: an N-party talk facility for the Unix 4.2 operating system. Computer Communications 11(1): 20-23 (1988)
2 Larry Hughes: A Multicast Interface for UNIX 4.3. Softw., Pract. Exper. 18(1): 15-27 (1988)
1 Larry Hughes: Multicast Gateway Design Considerations. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1987: 376-390

Coauthor Index

1Omid Banyasad [16]
2Ron Classen [13]
3Mohammad Farajmandi [23]
4Abdul-Kadhim Hay'awi [19]
5Evan J. Hughes [16]
6Elizabeth Leboffe [13]
7Yanting Lin [21]
8Atekeh Maghsoudlou [26]
9Hosein Marzi [21]
10Muhammad Hassan Raza [25]
11Nirav Sheth [22]
12Kafil Shumon [17]
13Wayne Smith [13]
14Mike Thomson [12]
15Jian Wang [24]
16Xianhui Xie [18]
17Ying Zhang [17] [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)