
Wu-Chih Hu

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5EEWu-Chih Hu: Object Decomposition based on Superellipses. ICICIC (3) 2006: 333-336
4EEWu-Chih Hu: Multiprimitive segmentation based on meaningful breakpoints for fitting digital planar curves with line segments and conic arcs. Image Vision Comput. 23(9): 783-789 (2005)
3EETuan-Fang Fan, Wu-Chih Hu, Churn-Jung Liau: Decision Logics for Knowledge Representation in Data Mining. COMPSAC 2001: 626-
2EEHsin-Teng Sheu, Wu-Chih Hu: Multiprimitive Segmentation of Planar Curves-A Two-Level Breakpoint Classification and Tuning Approach. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 21(8): 791-797 (1999)
1EEHsin-Teng Sheu, Wu-Chih Hu: A rotationally invariant two-phase scheme for corner detection. Pattern Recognition 29(5): 819-828 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Tuan-Fang Fan [3]
2Churn-Jung Liau [3]
3Hsin-Teng Sheu [1] [2]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)