
Geoffry S. Howard

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4EEGeoffry S. Howard, Thomas Bodnovich, Thomas Janicki, Jens Liegle, Steven Klein, Paul Albert, David Cannon: The efficacy of matching information systems development methodologies with application characteristics - an empirical study. Journal of Systems and Software 45(3): 177-195 (1999)
3 Abraham Mehrez, Geoffry S. Howard, Yaakov Lugassi, Peretz Shoval: Information System Planning and Selection: A Multiattribute Theoretic Approach. Comput. J. 36(6): 525-541 (1993)
2EEGeoffry S. Howard: An agenda for research in end user computing. SIGUCCS 1987: 485-491
1 Geoffry S. Howard, Robert D. Smith: Computer Anxiety in Management: Myth or Reality? Commun. ACM 29(7): 611-615 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Paul Albert [4]
2Thomas Bodnovich [4]
3David Cannon [4]
4Thomas Janicki [4]
5Steven Klein [4]
6Jens Liegle [4]
7Yaakov Lugassi [3]
8Abraham Mehrez [3]
9Peretz Shoval [3]
10Robert D. Smith [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)