
Rostislav Horcík

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15EERostislav Horcík: How to Solve a System of Linear Equations with Fuzzy Numbers. Soft Computing for Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2008: 427-436
14EERostislav Horcík: Solution of a system of linear equations with fuzzy numbers. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159(14): 1788-1810 (2008)
13EEPetr Cintula, Rostislav Horcík: Fuzzy Class Theory: Some Advanced Topics. EUSFLAT Conf. (1) 2007: 137-143
12EEPetr Cintula, Petr Hájek, Rostislav Horcík: Formal systems of fuzzy logic and their fragments. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 150(1-3): 40-65 (2007)
11EERostislav Horcík: On the failure of standard completeness in PiMTL for infinite theories. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 158(6): 619-624 (2007)
10EERostislav Horcík, Carles Noguera, Milan Petrik: On n-contractive fuzzy logics. Math. Log. Q. 53(3): 268-288 (2007)
9EERostislav Horcík: Alternative Proof of Standard Completeness Theorem for MTL. Soft Comput. 11(2): 123-129 (2007)
8EEFranco Montagna, Carles Noguera, Rostislav Horcík: On Weakly Cancellative Fuzzy Logics. J. Log. Comput. 16(4): 423-450 (2006)
7EERostislav Horcík: Decidability of Cancellative Extension of Monoidal T-norm Based Logic. Logic Journal of the IGPL 14(6): 827-843 (2006)
6EERostislav Horcík: Stronger version of standard completeness theorem for MTL. EUSFLAT Conf. 2005: 878-883
5EERostislav Horcík: Standard completeness theorem for PiMTL. Arch. Math. Log. 44(4): 413-424 (2005)
4EERostislav Horcík, Petr Cintula: Product L ukasiewicz Logic. Arch. Math. Log. 43(4): 477-504 (2004)
3EERostislav Horcík: Residuated fuzzy logics with additional connectives and their validation sets. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 143(1): 75-87 (2004)
2EERostislav Horcík: A note on the structure of PiMTL-chains and left-continuous cancellative T-norms. EUSFLAT Conf. 2003: 614-618
1EERostislav Horcík, Petr Cintula: Extension of Lukasiewicz Logic by Product Connective. IFSA 2003: 180-188

Coauthor Index

1Petr Cintula [1] [4] [12] [13]
2Petr Hájek [12]
3Franco Montagna [8]
4Carles Noguera [8] [10]
5Milan Petrik [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)