
Bo Hong

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29EEMeiyan Wang, Lin Cheng, Bo Hong, Zhijian Wu: Reaction mechanism of palladium-catalyzed silastannation of allenes by density functional theory. Journal of Computational Chemistry 30(9): 1521-1531 (2009)
28EEBo Hong: A lock-free multi-threaded algorithm for the maximum flow problem. IPDPS 2008: 1-8
27EEB. Taskin, Bo Hong: Improving Line-Based QCA Memory Cell Design Through Dual Phase Clocking. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(12): 1648-1656 (2008)
26EEChuan Jia, Honglai Xu, Bo Hong, Xiaorong Gao, Zhiguang Zhang, Shangkai Gao: A Human Computer Interface Using SSVEP-Based BCI Technology. HCI (16) 2007: 113-119
25EEJoel C. Wu, Bo Hong, Scott A. Brandt: Ensuring Performance in Activity-Based File Relocation. IPCCC 2007: 75-84
24EEBo Hong, Viktor K. Prasanna: Adaptive Allocation of Independent Tasks to Maximize Throughput. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 18(10): 1420-1435 (2007)
23EEBo Hong, Viktor K. Prasanna: Maximum lifetime data sensing and extraction in energy constrained networked sensor systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 66(4): 566-577 (2006)
22EEBo Hong, Feng Wang, Scott A. Brandt, Darrell D. E. Long, Thomas J. E. Schwarz: Using MEMS-based storage in computer systems - MEMS storage architectures. TOS 2(1): 1-21 (2006)
21EEBo Hong, Scott A. Brandt, Darrell D. E. Long, Ethan L. Miller, Ying Lin: Using MEMS-based storage in computer systems - device modeling and management. TOS 2(2): 139-160 (2006)
20EEBo Hong, Tara M. Madhyastha, B. Zhang: Cluster-based input/output trace synthesis. IPCCC 2005: 91-98
19EEYang Yu, Viktor K. Prasanna, Bo Hong: Communication Models for Algorithm Design in Networked Sensor Systems. IPDPS 2005
18EEFeng Wang, Bo Hong, Scott A. Brandt, Darrell D. E. Long: Using MEMS-Based Storage to Boost Disk Performance. MSST 2005: 202-209
17EEBo Hong, Tara M. Madhyastha: The Relevance of Long-Range Dependence in Disk Traffic and Implications for Trace Synthesis. MSST 2005: 316-326
16EEBo Hong, Viktor K. Prasanna: Maximum Data Gathering in Networked Sensor Systems. IJDSN 1(1): 57-80 (2005)
15EEYang Yu, Bo Hong, Viktor K. Prasanna: On communication models for algorithm design in networked sensor systems: A case study, . Pervasive and Mobile Computing 1(1): 95-121 (2005)
14EEBo Hong, Viktor K. Prasanna: Constrained Flow Optimization with Applications to Data Gathering in Sensor Networks. ALGOSENSORS 2004: 187-200
13EEBo Hong, Viktor K. Prasanna: Performance Optimization of a De-centralized Task Allocation Protocol via Bandwidth and Buffer Management. CLADE 2004: 108
12EEBo Hong, Viktor K. Prasanna: Distributed Adaptive Task Allocation in Heterogeneous Computing Environments to Maximize Throughput. IPDPS 2004
11EEBo Hong, Thomas J. E. Schwarz, Scott A. Brandt, Darrell D. E. Long: Reliability of MEMS-Based Storage Enclosures. MASCOTS 2004: 571-579
10EEFeng Wang, Qin Xin, Bo Hong, Scott A. Brandt, Ethan L. Miller, Darrell D. E. Long, Tyce T. McLarty: File System Workload Analysis For Large Scientific Computing Applications. MSST 2004: 139-152
9EEBo Hong, Demyn Plantenberg, Darrell D. E. Long, Miriam Sivan-Zimet: Duplicate Data Elimination in a SAN File System. MSST 2004: 301-314
8EEBo Hong, Viktor K. Prasanna: Bandwidth-Aware Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Computing Systems to Maximize Throughput. ICPP 2003: 539-546
7EEBo Hong, Scott A. Brandt, Darrell D. E. Long, Ethan L. Miller, Karen A. Glocer, Zachary N. J. Peterson: Zone-Based Shortest Positioning Time First Scheduling for MEMS-Based Storage Devices. MASCOTS 2003: 104-
6EEIsmail Ari, Bo Hong, Ethan L. Miller, Scott A. Brandt, Darrell D. E. Long: Managing Flash Crowds on the Internet. MASCOTS 2003: 246-249
5EENeungsoo Park, Bo Hong, Viktor K. Prasanna: Tiling, Block Data Layout, and Memory Hierarchy Performance. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 14(7): 640-654 (2003)
4EEBo Hong, Aria Nosratinia: Overhead-Constrained Rate-Allocation for Scalable Video Transmission over Networks. DCC 2002: 455
3 Bo Hong, Aria Nosratinia: Analysis of packet header effects in rate allocation for packet video. ICIP (2) 2002: 177-180
2EEBo Hong, Viktor K. Prasanna: Adaptive Matrix Multiplication in Heterogeneous Environments. ICPADS 2002: 129-
1EENeungsoo Park, Bo Hong, Viktor K. Prasanna: Analysis of Memory Hierarchy Performance of Block Data Layout. ICPP 2002: 35-

Coauthor Index

1Ismail Ari [6]
2Scott A. Brandt [6] [7] [10] [11] [18] [21] [22] [25]
3Lin Cheng [29]
4Shangkai Gao [26]
5Xiaorong Gao [26]
6Karen A. Glocer [7]
7Chuan Jia [26]
8Ying Lin [21]
9Darrell D. E. Long [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [18] [21] [22]
10Tara M. Madhyastha [17] [20]
11Tyce T. McLarty [10]
12Ethan L. Miller [6] [7] [10] [21]
13Aria Nosratinia [3] [4]
14Neungsoo Park [1] [5]
15Zachary N. J. Peterson [7]
16Demyn Plantenberg [9]
17Viktor K. Prasanna (V. K. Prasanna Kumar) [1] [2] [5] [8] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [19] [23] [24]
18Thomas J. E. Schwarz [11] [22]
19Miriam Sivan-Zimet [9]
20B. Taskin [27]
21Meiyan Wang [29]
22Feng Wang [10] [18] [22]
23Joel C. Wu [25]
24Zhijian Wu [29]
25Qin Xin [10]
26Honglai Xu [26]
27Yang Yu [15] [19]
28B. Zhang [20]
29Zhiguang Zhang [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)