
David R. Holmes III

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5EEKara E. Bliley, Daniel J. Schwab, David R. Holmes III, Paul H. Kane, James A. Levine, Erik S. Daniel, Barry K. Gilbert: Design of a Compact System Using a MEMS Accelerometer to Measure Body Posture and Ambulation. CBMS 2006: 335-340
4EEMaryam E. Rettmann, David R. Holmes III, Yi Su, Mark W. Kolasa, Susan B. Johnson, Douglas L. Packer, Richard A. Robb: Evaluation of global versus piecewise registration using a ground truth canine model. ISBI 2006: 848-851
3EEDavid R. Holmes III, Richard A. Robb: Real-Time Segmentation of Trans-urethral Ultrasound Images for Prostate Brachytherapy. MICCAI (2) 2003: 983-984
2EEDavid R. Holmes III, M. J. Moore, C. B. Mantilla, G. C. Sieck, Richard A. Robb: Rapid semi-automated segmentation and analysis of neuronal morphology and function from confocal image data. ISBI 2002: 233-236
1EEDavid R. Holmes III, Brian J. Davis, Richard A. Robb: Trans-urethral Ultrasound: A New Tool for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Imaging in Prostate Cancer. MICCAI 2001: 1243-1244

Coauthor Index

1Kara E. Bliley [5]
2Erik S. Daniel [5]
3Brian J. Davis [1]
4Barry K. Gilbert [5]
5Susan B. Johnson [4]
6Paul H. Kane [5]
7Mark W. Kolasa [4]
8James A. Levine [5]
9C. B. Mantilla [2]
10M. J. Moore [2]
11Douglas L. Packer [4]
12Maryam E. Rettmann [4]
13Richard A. Robb [1] [2] [3] [4]
14Daniel J. Schwab [5]
15G. C. Sieck [2]
16Yi Su [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)