
Remco van der Hofstad

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15EED. P. M. Timmers, Erik R. Fledderus, Remco van der Hofstad: Generating Snapshots and Analyzing Missed Traffic in Wireless Communications. GLOBECOM 2007: 5324-5328
14EETim C. W. Schenk, Remco van der Hofstad, Erik R. Fledderus, Peter F. M. Smulders: Distribution of the ICI Term in Phase Noise Impaired OFDM Systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(4): 1488-1500 (2007)
13EERemco van der Hofstad, Gerard Hooghiemstra, Piet Van Mieghem: The weight of the shortest path tree. Random Struct. Algorithms 30(3): 359-379 (2007)
12EEChristian Borgs, Jennifer T. Chayes, Remco van der Hofstad, Gordon Slade, Joel Spencer: Random Subgraphs Of Finite Graphs: III. The Phase Transition For The n-Cube. Combinatorica 26(4): 395-410 (2006)
11EERemco van der Hofstad, Gordon Slade: Expansion in ${\boldsymbol{n^{-1}}}$ for Percolation Critical Values on the $n$-cube and ${\boldsymbol{{\mathbb Z}^n}}$: the First Three Terms. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 15(5): 695-713 (2006)
10EERemco van der Hofstad, Gerard Hooghiemstra, Piet Van Mieghem: Size and Weight of Shortest Path Trees with Exponential Link Weights. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 15(6): 903-926 (2006)
9EERemco van der Hofstad, Joel Spencer: Counting connected graphs asymptotically. Eur. J. Comb. 27(8): 1294-1320 (2006)
8EERemco van der Hofstad, M. Lowe, F. Vermet: The Effect of System Load on the Existence of Bit Errors in CDMA With and Without Parallel Interference Cancelation. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(10): 4733-4741 (2006)
7EERemco van der Hofstad, Gerard Hooghiemstra, Piet Van Mieghem: Distances in random graphs with finite variance degrees. Random Struct. Algorithms 27(1): 76-123 (2005)
6EEChristian Borgs, Jennifer T. Chayes, Remco van der Hofstad, Gordon Slade, Joel H. Spencer: Random subgraphs of finite graphs: I. The scaling window under the triangle condition. Random Struct. Algorithms 27(2): 137-184 (2005)
5EERemco van der Hofstad, Gordon Slade: Asymptotic expansions in n-1 for percolation critical values on the n-Cube and Zn. Random Struct. Algorithms 27(3): 331-357 (2005)
4 Remco van der Hofstad, Marten J. Klok: Performance of DS-CDMA systems with optimal hard-decision parallel interference cancellation. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(11): 2918-2940 (2003)
3EERemco van der Hofstad, Gerard Hooghiemstra, Piet Van Mieghem: On the covariance of the level sizes in random recursive trees. Random Struct. Algorithms 20(4): 519-539 (2002)
2EEGerard Hooghiemstra, Marten J. Klok, Remco van der Hofstad: Large Deviations for Code Division Multiple Access Systems. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 62(3): 1044-1065 (2002)
1EEPiet Van Mieghem, Gerard Hooghiemstra, Remco van der Hofstad: On the efficiency of multicast. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 9(6): 719-732 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Christian Borgs [6] [12]
2Jennifer T. Chayes [6] [12]
3Erik R. Fledderus [14] [15]
4Gerard Hooghiemstra [1] [2] [3] [7] [10] [13]
5Marten J. Klok [2] [4]
6M. Lowe [8]
7Piet Van Mieghem [1] [3] [7] [10] [13]
8Tim C. W. Schenk [14]
9Gordon Slade [5] [6] [11] [12]
10Peter F. M. Smulders [14]
11Joel H. Spencer (Joel Spencer) [6] [9] [12]
12D. P. M. Timmers [15]
13F. Vermet [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)