
Said Hoceini

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11EESaid Hoceini, Abdelhamid Mellouk, Bouchra Smail: Average-Bandwidth Delay Q-Routing Adaptive Algorithm. ICC 2008: 1840-1844
10EEAbdelhamid Mellouk, Said Hoceini, Farid Baguenine, Mustapha Cheurfa: Distributed Quality-of-Service routing of best constrained shortest paths. ISCC 2008: 915-919
9EESaid Hoceini, Abdelhamid Mellouk, Hayet Hafi: Une approche modulaire probabiliste pour le routage à Qualité de Service intégrée CoRR abs/0803.0528: (2008)
8EEAbdelhamid Mellouk, Said Hoceini, Mustapha Cheurfa: Reinforcing probabilistic selective Quality of Service routes in dynamic irregular networks. Computer Communications 31(11): 2706-2715 (2008)
7EEAbdelhamid Mellouk, Said Hoceini, Yacine Amirat: Adaptive quality of service-based routing approaches: development of neuro-dynamic state-dependent reinforcement learning algorithms. Int. J. Communication Systems 20(10): 1113-1130 (2007)
6EEAbdelhamid Mellouk, Said Hoceini, Samia Larynouna: Flow Based Routing for Irregular Traffic using Reinforcement Learning Approach in Dynamic Networks. ISCC 2006: 519-525
5 Abdelhamid Mellouk, Said Hoceini, Samia Larynouna: Self-Optimization Quality of Service by Adaptive Routing in Dynamic Communication Networks. ITSSA 2(3): 265-272 (2006)
4EEAbdelhamid Mellouk, Said Hoceini: A Reinforcement Learning Approach for QoS Based Routing Packets in Integrated Service Web Based Systems. AWIC 2005: 299-305
3EESaid Hoceini, Abdelhamid Mellouk, Yacine Amirat: Improving Scalability and Robustness of NQOSP Algorithm in Dynamic Traffic's Network. ICAS/ICNS 2005: 8
2EESaid Hoceini, Abdelhamid Mellouk, Yacine Amirat: K-Shortest Paths Q-Routing: A New QoS Routing Algorithm in Telecommunication Networks. ICN (2) 2005: 164-172
1EESaid Hoceini, Abdelhamid Mellouk, Yacine Amirat: Neural Net Based Approach for Adaptive Routing Policy in Telecommunication Networks. HSNMC 2004: 360-368

Coauthor Index

1Yacine Amirat [1] [2] [3] [7]
2Farid Baguenine [10]
3Mustapha Cheurfa [8] [10]
4Hayet Hafi [9]
5Samia Larynouna [5] [6]
6Abdelhamid Mellouk [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
7Bouchra Smail [11]

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