
Lawrence Y. Ho

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5 Lawrence Y. Ho: System Performance Analysis With Availability Constraints. Int. CMG Conference 1992: 229-235
4 Lawrence Y. Ho, Yifong Shih: Using Expert Systems in Computer System Evaluation. Int. CMG Conference 1990: 395-405
3 Lawrence Y. Ho: Locality-Based Approach to Characterize Dataset Referencing Patterns. Int. CMG Conference 1989: 36-47
2 Lawrence Y. Ho: Modelling and Characterizing Workload Dynamics in TSO Systems. Int. CMG Conference 1988: 113-116
1 Lawrence Y. Ho, Keki B. Irani: An Algorithm for Processor Allocation in a Dataflow Multiprocessing Environment. ICPP 1983: 338-340

Coauthor Index

1Keki B. Irani [1]
2Yifong Shih [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)