
Hanspeter Herzel

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21EEMatthias E. Futschik, Hanspeter Herzel: Are we overestimating the number of cell-cycling genes? The impact of background models on time-series analysis. Bioinformatics 24(8): 1063-1069 (2008)
20 Matthias E. Futschik, Hanspeter Herzel: Are we Overestimating the Number of Cell-Cycling Genes? The Impact of Background Models. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2007: 2-14
19EEMatthias E. Futschik, Gautam Chaurasia, Hanspeter Herzel: Comparison of human protein-protein interaction maps. Bioinformatics 23(5): 605-611 (2007)
18EEGautam Chaurasia, Yasir Iqbal, Christian Hänig, Hanspeter Herzel, Erich E. Wanker, Matthias E. Futschik: Flexible web-based integration of distributed large-scale human protein interaction maps. J. Integrative Bioinformatics 4(1): (2007)
17EEMatthias E. Futschik, Gautam Chaurasia, Anna Tschaut, Jenny Russ, M. Madan Babu, Hanspeter Herzel: Functional and Transcriptional Coherency of Modules in the Human Protein Interaction Network . J. Integrative Bioinformatics 4(3): (2007)
16EEGautam Chaurasia, Yasir Iqbal, Christian Hänig, Hanspeter Herzel, Erich E. Wanker, Matthias E. Futschik: UniHI: an entry gate to the human protein interactome. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Database-Issue): 590-594 (2007)
15EESzymon M. Kielbasa, Didier Gonze, Hanspeter Herzel: Measuring similarities between transcription factor binding sites. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 237 (2005)
14EEMatthias Truss, Maciej Swat, Szymon M. Kielbasa, Reinhold Schäfer, Hanspeter Herzel, Christian Hagemeier: HuSiDa - the human siRNA database: an open-access database for published functional siRNA sequences and technical details of efficient transfer into recipient cells. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Database-Issue): 108-111 (2005)
13 Szymon M. Kielbasa, Nils Blüthgen, Hanspeter Herzel: Genome-wide Analysis of Functions Regulated by Sets of Transcription Factors. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2004: 105-114
12 Nils Blüthgen, Szymon M. Kielbasa, Branka Cajavec, Hanspeter Herzel: HOMGL - comparing genelists across species and with different accession numbers. Bioinformatics 20(1): 125-126 (2004)
11EEMaciej Swat, Alexander E. Kel, Hanspeter Herzel: Bifurcation analysis of the regulatory modules of the mammalian G1/S transition. Bioinformatics 20(10): 1506-1511 (2004)
10 Maciej Swat, Alexander E. Kel, Szymon M. Kielbasa, Hanspeter Herzel: Modeling the G1/S transition in mammals -Bifurcation an alysis of elementary modules. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2003: 147-152
9EEOlaf Weiss, Andreas Ziehe, Hanspeter Herzel: Optimizing Property Codes in Protein Data Reveals Structural Characteristics. ICANN 2003: 245-252
8 Szymon M. Kielbasa, Jan O. Korbel, Dieter Beule, Johannes Schuchhardt, Hanspeter Herzel: Combining frequency and positional information to predict transcription factor binding sites. Bioinformatics 17(11): 1019-1026 (2001)
7 Dieter Beule, Johannes Schuchhardt, Arif Malik, Holger Eickhoff, Hans Lehrach, Hanspeter Herzel: Reliability of Microarray Data and Clustering. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2000: 167-174
6 Johannes Schuchhardt, Liying Dong, Ulrich Hoffmüller, Achim Kramer, Jens Schneider-Mergener, Hanspeter Herzel: Peptide Binding Landscapes. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2000: 183-188
5 Szymon M. Kielbasa, Jan O. Korbel, Dieter Beule, Johannes Schuchhardt, Hanspeter Herzel: Finding Transcription Factor Binding Sites in Coregulated Genes by Exhaustive Sequence Search. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2000: 55-62
4 Dirk Holste, Dieter Beule, Wolfram Liebermeister, Johannes Schuchhardt, Hanspeter Herzel: Mutual Information Analysis of Surrogate Gene Expression Data. German Conference on Bioinformatics 1999: 201-204
3 Hanspeter Herzel, Olaf Weiss, Edward N. Trifonov: 10-11 bp periodicities in complete genomes reflect protein structure and DNA folding. Bioinformatics 15(3): 187-193 (1999)
2 Olaf Weiss, Hanspeter Herzel: Property Codes in Sets of Protein Sequences. German Conference on Bioinformatics 1998
1 Hanspeter Herzel, Olaf Weiss, Edward N. Trifonov: Sequence Periodicities in Complete Genomes Reflect Supercoiling. German Conference on Bioinformatics 1998

Coauthor Index

1M. Madan Babu [17]
2Dieter Beule [4] [5] [7] [8]
3Nils Blüthgen [12] [13]
4Branka Cajavec [12]
5Gautam Chaurasia [16] [17] [18] [19]
6Liying Dong [6]
7Holger Eickhoff [7]
8Matthias E. Futschik [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]
9Didier Gonze [15]
10Christian Hagemeier [14]
11Christian Hänig [16] [18]
12Ulrich Hoffmüller [6]
13Dirk Holste [4]
14Yasir Iqbal [16] [18]
15Alexander E. Kel [10] [11]
16Szymon M. Kielbasa [5] [8] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15]
17Jan O. Korbel [5] [8]
18Achim Kramer [6]
19Hans Lehrach [7]
20Wolfram Liebermeister [4]
21Arif Malik [7]
22Jenny Russ [17]
23Reinhold Schäfer [14]
24Jens Schneider-Mergener [6]
25Johannes Schuchhardt [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
26Maciej Swat [10] [11] [14]
27Edward N. Trifonov [1] [3]
28Matthias Truss [14]
29Anna Tschaut [17]
30Erich E. Wanker [16] [18]
31Olaf Weiss [1] [2] [3] [9]
32Andreas Ziehe [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)