
Oriel A. Herrera

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5EEOriel A. Herrera, Sergio F. Ochoa, H. Andrés Neyem, Maurizio Betti, Roberto Aldunate, David A. Fuller: A Mobile Portfolio to Support Communities of Practice in Science Education. HCI (15) 2007: 416-425
4EEOriel A. Herrera, Gustavo R. Alves, David A. Fuller, Roberto Aldunate: Remote Lab Experiments: Opening Possibilities for Distance Learning in Engineering Fields. Education for the 21st Century 2006: 321-325
3EEOriel A. Herrera, David A. Fuller: Shared Knowledge: The Result of Negotiation in Non-hierarchical Environments. CRIWG 2005: 255-262
2EESergio F. Ochoa, Luis A. Guerrero, David A. Fuller, Oriel A. Herrera: Designing the Communications Infrastructure of Groupware Systems. CRIWG 2002: 114-133
1 Luis A. Guerrero, Sergio F. Ochoa, Oriel A. Herrera, David A. Fuller: Mediated Communication in Groupware Systems. ICEIS 2002: 815-818

Coauthor Index

1Roberto Aldunate [4] [5]
2Gustavo R. Alves [4]
3Maurizio Betti [5]
4David A. Fuller [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Luis A. Guerrero [1] [2]
6H. Andrés Neyem [5]
7Sergio F. Ochoa [1] [2] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)