
José Antonio Ruz Hernández

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6EEG. Jimenez de la Cruz, José Antonio Ruz Hernández, R. Salazar-Mendoza: Obtaining an optimal gas injection rate for an oil production system via neural networks. IJCNN 2008: 3358-3365
5EEJosé Antonio Ruz Hernández, Edgar N. Sanchez, Dionisio A. Suarez: Soft Margin Training for Associative Memories: Application to Fault Diagnosis in Fossil Electric Power Plants. Soft Computing for Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2008: 205-230
4EEJosé Antonio Ruz Hernández, Jose L. Rullan-Lara, Ramon Garcia-Hernandez, Eduardo Reyes-Pacheco, Edgar N. Sanchez: Trajectory Tracking Using Fuzzy-Lyapunov Approach: Application to a Servo Trainer. IFSA (2) 2007: 710-718
3EEJosé Antonio Ruz Hernández, Edgar N. Sanchez, Dionisio A. Suarez: Soft Margin Training for Associative Memories Implemented by Recurrent Neural Networks. Analysis and Design of Intelligent Systems using Soft Computing Techniques 2007: 205-214
2EEJosé Antonio Ruz Hernández, Edgar N. Sanchez, Dionisio A. Suarez: Designing an Associative Memory via Optimal Training for Fault Diagnosis. IJCNN 2006: 4338-4345
1EEJosé Antonio Ruz Hernández, Dionisio A. Suárez Cerda, Evgen Shelomov, Alejandro Villavicencio Ramírez: Predictive Control Based on an Auto-regressive Neuro-fuzzy Model Applied to the Steam Generator Startup Process at a Fossil Power Plant. MICAI 2002: 430-439

Coauthor Index

1Dionisio A. Suárez Cerda [1]
2G. Jimenez de la Cruz [6]
3Ramon Garcia-Hernandez [4]
4Alejandro Villavicencio Ramírez [1]
5Eduardo Reyes-Pacheco [4]
6Jose L. Rullan-Lara [4]
7R. Salazar-Mendoza [6]
8Edgar N. Sanchez [2] [3] [4] [5]
9Evgen Shelomov [1]
10Dionisio A. Suarez [2] [3] [5]

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