
Dionisio A. Suárez Cerda

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2 José Alfredo Sánchez López, Dionisio A. Suárez Cerda, Agustín Quintero Reyes: Integration of multidisciplinary specialized applications using components. CAINE 2006: 307-311
1EEJosé Antonio Ruz Hernández, Dionisio A. Suárez Cerda, Evgen Shelomov, Alejandro Villavicencio Ramírez: Predictive Control Based on an Auto-regressive Neuro-fuzzy Model Applied to the Steam Generator Startup Process at a Fossil Power Plant. MICAI 2002: 430-439

Coauthor Index

1José Antonio Ruz Hernández [1]
2José Alfredo Sánchez López [2]
3Alejandro Villavicencio Ramírez [1]
4Agustín Quintero Reyes [2]
5Evgen Shelomov [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)