
Michael A. Hennell

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15EEMichael A. Hennell: The First Thirty Years: Experience with Software Verification. TAP 2008: 1-3
14EEMartin R. Woodward, Michael A. Hennell: On the relationship between two control-flow coverage criteria: all JJ-paths and MCDC. Information & Software Technology 48(7): 433-440 (2006)
13EELee White, Jeff Offutt, Derek Yates, Robert M. Hierons, Michael A. Hennell, Peter Mitchell: A Tribute to Martin Woodward. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 16(4): 209-211 (2006)
12EEMichael A. Hennell: Guest Editorial: An industrial viewpoint. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 14(4): 241-242 (2004)
11 Michael A. Hennell: How to Avoid Systematic Software Testing. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 1(1): 23-30 (1991)
10EEP. Fairfield, Michael A. Hennell: Data flow analysis of recursive procedures. SIGPLAN Notices 23(1): 48-57 (1988)
9 Michael A. Hennell, David Hedley, I. J. Riddell: Automated Testing Techniques for Real-Time Embedded Software. ESEC 1987: 244-253
8 David Hedley, Michael A. Hennell: The Causes and Effects of Infeasible Paths in Computer Programs. ICSE 1985: 259-267
7 Michael A. Hennell, David Hedley, I. J. Riddell: Assessing a Class of Software Tools. ICSE 1984: 266-277
6 Martin R. Woodward, David Hedley, Michael A. Hennell: Experience with Path Analysis and Testing of Programs. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 6(3): 278-286 (1980)
5 Michael A. Hennell, J. Alan Prudom: A Static Analysis of the NAG Library. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 6(4): 329-333 (1980)
4 Michael A. Hennell, David Hedley: An Experimental Testbed for Numerical Software, Part 2: ALGOL 68. Comput. J. 22(1): 53-56 (1979)
3 Martin R. Woodward, Michael A. Hennell, David Hedley: A Measure of Control Flow Complexity in Program Text. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 5(1): 45-50 (1979)
2 Michael A. Hennell: An Experimental Testbed for Numerical Software. Comput. J. 21(4): 333-336 (1978)
1 Michael A. Hennell, Martin R. Woodward, David Hedley: On Program Analysis. Inf. Process. Lett. 5(5): 136-140 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1P. Fairfield [10]
2David Hedley [1] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Robert M. Hierons [13]
4Peter Mitchell [13]
5A. Jefferson Offutt (Jeff Offutt) [13]
6J. Alan Prudom [5]
7I. J. Riddell [7] [9]
8Lee White [13]
9Martin R. Woodward [1] [3] [6] [14]
10Derek Yates [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)