
Sven Helmer

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33EEAlexandre Guitton, Niki Trigoni, Sven Helmer: Fault-Tolerant Compression Algorithms for Delay-Sensitive Sensor Networks with Unreliable Links. DCOSS 2008: 190-203
32EESven Helmer, Robin Aly, Thomas Neumann, Guido Moerkotte: Indexing Set-Valued Attributes with a Multi-level Extendible Hashing Scheme. DEXA 2007: 98-108
31EESven Helmer: An Interval-Based Index Structure for Structure Elucidation in Chemical Databases. IFSA (1) 2007: 625-634
30EESven Helmer: Measuring the Structural Similarity of Semistructured Documents Using Entropy. VLDB 2007: 1022-1032
29EEThomas Neumann, Sven Helmer, Guido Moerkotte: On the Optimal Ordering of Maps, Selections, and Joins Under Factorization. BNCOD 2006: 115-126
28EEMatthias Brantner, Carl-Christian Kanne, Guido Moerkotte, Sven Helmer: Algebraic Optimization of Nested XPath Expressions. ICDE 2006: 128
27EEMatthias Brantner, Sven Helmer, Carl-Christian Kanne, Guido Moerkotte: Kappa-Join: Efficient Execution of Existential Quantification in XML Query Languages. XSym 2006: 1-15
26EENorman May, Sven Helmer, Guido Moerkotte: Strategies for query unnesting in XML databases. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 31(3): 968-1013 (2006)
25EEAleksei Pavlov, Sven Helmer, Guido Moerkotte: A Model-Based Monitoring and Diagnosis System for a Space-Based Astrometry Mission. DEXA 2005: 920-929
24EEThomas Neumann, Sven Helmer, Guido Moerkotte: On the Optimal Ordering of Maps and Selections under Factorization. ICDE 2005: 490-501
23EEMatthias Brantner, Sven Helmer, Carl-Christian Kanne, Guido Moerkotte: Full-fledged Algebraic XPath Processing in Natix. ICDE 2005: 705-716
22EEVasco Amaral, Sven Helmer, Guido Moerkotte: Formally Specifying the Syntax and Semantics of a Visual Query Language for the Domain of High Energy Physics Data Analysis. VL/HCC 2005: 251-258
21EESven Helmer, Carl-Christian Kanne, Guido Moerkotte: Timestamp-Based Protocols for Synchronizing Access on XML Documents. DEXA 2004: 591-600
20EEVasco Amaral, Sven Helmer, Guido Moerkotte: PHEASANT: A PHysicist's EAsy ANalysis Tool. FQAS 2004: 229-242
19EENorman May, Sven Helmer, Guido Moerkotte: Nested Queries and Quantifiers in an Ordered Context. ICDE 2004: 239-250
18 Norman May, Sven Helmer, Carl-Christian Kanne, Guido Moerkotte: XQuery Processing in Natix with an Emphasis on Join Ordering. XIME-P 2004: 49-54
17EESven Helmer, Carl-Christian Kanne, Guido Moerkotte: Evaluating lock-based protocols for cooperation on XML documents. SIGMOD Record 33(1): 58-63 (2004)
16EESven Helmer, Carl-Christian Kanne, Guido Moerkotte: Lock-based Protocols for Cooperation on XML Documents. DEXA Workshops 2003: 230-234
15EESven Helmer, Thomas Neumann, Guido Moerkotte: A Robust Scheme for Multilevel Extendible Hashing. ISCIS 2003: 220-227
14EESven Helmer, Thomas Neumann, Guido Moerkotte: Estimating the Output Cardinality of Partial Preaggregation with a Measure of Clusteredness. VLDB 2003: 656-667
13EENorman May, Sven Helmer, Guido Moerkotte: Quantifiers in XQuery. WISE 2003: 313-316
12EENorman May, Sven Helmer, Guido Moerkotte: Three Cases for Query Decorrelation in XQuery. Xsym 2003: 70-84
11 Sven Helmer, Guido Moerkotte: Indexstrukturen für XML. Web & Datenbanken 2003: 217-250
10EESven Helmer: Evaluating different approaches for indexing fuzzy sets. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 140(1): 167-182 (2003)
9EESven Helmer: Book Review: "Recent issues on fuzzy databases" by G. Bordogna and G. Pasi (Eds.); Physica Verlag, Wurzburg, 2000, 236pp., ISBN: 3-7908-1319-2. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 140(1): 229-230 (2003)
8EESven Helmer, Guido Moerkotte: A performance study of four index structures for set-valued attributes of low cardinality. VLDB J. 12(3): 244-261 (2003)
7 Sven Helmer, Carl-Christian Kanne, Guido Moerkotte: XML-Datenbanksysteme und ihre Anwendung. it - Information Technology 45(3): 137-142 (2003)
6EESven Helmer, Carl-Christian Kanne, Guido Moerkotte: Optimized Translation of XPath into Algebraic Expressions Parameterized by Programs Containing Navigational Primitives. WISE 2002: 215-224
5EEThorsten Fiebig, Sven Helmer, Carl-Christian Kanne, Guido Moerkotte, Julia Neumann, Robert Schiele, Till Westmann: Natix: A Technology Overview. Web, Web-Services, and Database Systems 2002: 12-33
4EEThorsten Fiebig, Sven Helmer, Carl-Christian Kanne, Guido Moerkotte, Julia Neumann, Robert Schiele, Till Westmann: Anatomy of a native XML base management system. VLDB J. 11(4): 292-314 (2002)
3EETill Westmann, Donald Kossmann, Sven Helmer, Guido Moerkotte: The Implementation and Performance of Compressed Databases. SIGMOD Record 29(3): 55-67 (2000)
2EESven Helmer, Till Westmann, Guido Moerkotte: Diag-Join: An Opportunistic Join Algorithm for 1:N Relationships. VLDB 1998: 98-109
1EESven Helmer, Guido Moerkotte: Evaluation of Main Memory Join Algorithms for Joins with Set Comparison Join Predicates. VLDB 1997: 386-395

Coauthor Index

1Robin Aly [32]
2Vasco Amaral [20] [22]
3Matthias Brantner [23] [27] [28]
4Thorsten Fiebig [4] [5]
5Alexandre Guitton [33]
6Carl-Christian Kanne [4] [5] [6] [7] [16] [17] [18] [21] [23] [27] [28]
7Donald Kossmann [3]
8Norman May [12] [13] [18] [19] [26]
9Guido Moerkotte [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [32]
10Julia Neumann [4] [5]
11Thomas Neumann [14] [15] [24] [29] [32]
12Aleksei Pavlov [25]
13Robert Schiele [4] [5]
14Agathoniki Trigoni (Niki Trigoni) [33]
15Till Westmann [2] [3] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)