
Christoph Helmberg

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15EEFrank Fischer, Christoph Helmberg, Jürgen Janßen, Boris Krostitz: Towards Solving Very Large Scale Train Timetabling Problems by Lagrangian Relaxation. ATMOS 2008
14EEMichael Armbruster, Marzena Fügenschuh, Christoph Helmberg, Alexander Martin: A Comparative Study of Linear and Semidefinite Branch-and-Cut Methods for Solving the Minimum Graph Bisection Problem. IPCO 2008: 112-124
13EEMichael Armbruster, Marzena Fügenschuh, Christoph Helmberg, Nikolay Jetchev, Alexander Martin: Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Within Branch-and-Cut for the Minimum Graph Bisection Problem. EvoCOP 2006: 1-12
12EEFrank Göring, Christoph Helmberg, Markus Wappler: The rotational Dimension of a graph. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 27: 37-38 (2006)
11EEMichael Armbruster, Marzena Fügenschuh, Christoph Helmberg, Nikolay Jetchev, Alexander Martin: LP-based Genetic Algorithm for the Minimum Graph Bisection Problem. OR 2005: 315-320
10EEChristoph Helmberg: Numerical evaluation of SBmethod. Math. Program. 95(2): 381-406 (2003)
9 Christoph Helmberg, Franz Rendl, Robert Weismantel: A Semidefinite Programming Approach to the Quadratic Knapsack Problem. J. Comb. Optim. 4(2): 197-215 (2000)
8EEChristoph Helmberg: The m-Cost ATSP. IPCO 1999: 242-258
7EEChristoph Helmberg, Krzysztof C. Kiwiel, Franz Rendl: Incorporating Inequality Constraints in the Spectral Bundle Method. IPCO 1998: 423-436
6 Christoph Helmberg: Fixing Variables in Semidefinite Relaxations. ESA 1997: 259-270
5 Christoph Helmberg, Franz Rendl, Robert Weismantel: Quadratic Knapsack Relaxations Using Cutting Planes. IPCO 1996: 175-189
4 Christoph Helmberg, Svatopluk Poljak, Franz Rendl, Henry Wolkowicz: Combining Semidefinite and Polyhedral Relaxations for Integer Programs. IPCO 1995: 124-134
3EEDieter W. Fellner, Christoph Helmberg: Best approximate general ellipses on integer grids. Computers & Graphics 18(2): 143-151 (1994)
2 Christoph Helmberg, Bojan Mohar, Svatopluk Poljak, Franz Rendl: A spectral approach to bandwidth and separator problems in graphs. IPCO 1993: 183-194
1EEDieter W. Fellner, Christoph Helmberg: Robust Rendering of General Ellipses and Elliptical Arcs. ACM Trans. Graph. 12(3): 251-276 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Michael Armbruster [11] [13] [14]
2Dieter W. Fellner [1] [3]
3Frank Fischer [15]
4Marzena Fügenschuh [11] [13] [14]
5Frank Göring [12]
6Jürgen Janßen [15]
7Nikolay Jetchev [11] [13]
8Krzysztof C. Kiwiel [7]
9Boris Krostitz [15]
10Alexander Martin [11] [13] [14]
11Bojan Mohar [2]
12Svatopluk Poljak [2] [4]
13Franz Rendl [2] [4] [5] [7] [9]
14Markus Wappler [12]
15Robert Weismantel [5] [9]
16Henry Wolkowicz [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)