
Jonathan Helfman

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12EEJoseph H. Goldberg, Jonathan Helfman, Lynne Martin: Information distance and orientation in liquid layout. CHI 2008: 1153-1156
11EEScott Carter, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Laurent Denoue, Jonathan Helfman, Les Nelson: Digital graffiti: public annotation of multimedia content. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1207-1210
10EELes Nelson, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Laurent Denoue, Jonathan Helfman, Paul Murphy: Gooey interfaces: an approach for rapidly repurposing digital content. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1293-1296
9EEElizabeth F. Churchill, Les Nelson, Laurent Denoue, Jonathan Helfman, Paul Murphy: Sharing multimedia content with interactive public displays: a case study. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2004: 7-16
8EEToshiya Yamada, Jun Shingu, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Les Nelson, Jonathan Helfman, Paul Murphy: Who cares?: reflecting who is reading what on distributed community bulletin boards. UIST 2004: 109-118
7EEJohn Doherty, Andreas Girgensohn, Jonathan Helfman, Frank M. Shipman III, Lynn Wilcox: Detail-on-demand hypervideo. ACM Multimedia 2003: 600-601
6EEJonathan Helfman: Mandala: An Architecture for Using Images to Access and Organize Web Informations. VISUAL 1999: 163-170
5EERon R. Hightower, Laura T. Ring, Jonathan Helfman, Benjamin B. Bederson, James D. Hollan: PadPrints: Graphical Multiscale Web Histories. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1998: 121-122
4EERon R. Hightower, Laura T. Ring, Jonathan Helfman, Benjamin B. Bederson, James D. Hollan: Graphical Multiscale Web Histories: A Study of Padprints. Hypertext 1998: 58-65
3 Jonathan Helfman: Dotplot Patterns: A Literal Look at Pattern Languages. TAPOS 2(1): 31-41 (1996)
2EEKenneth Ward Church, William A. Gale, Jonathan Helfman, David D. Lewis: Fax: An Alternative to SGML. COLING 1994: 525-529
1 Jonathan Helfman: Similarity Patterns in Language. VL 1994: 173-175

Coauthor Index

1Benjamin B. Bederson (Ben Bederson) [4] [5]
2Scott Carter [11]
3Kenneth Ward Church [2]
4Elizabeth F. Churchill [8] [9] [10] [11]
5Laurent Denoue [9] [10] [11]
6John Doherty [7]
7William A. Gale [2]
8Andreas Girgensohn [7]
9Joseph H. Goldberg [12]
10Ron R. Hightower [4] [5]
11James D. Hollan (Jim Hollan) [4] [5]
12David D. Lewis [2]
13Lynne Martin [12]
14Paul Murphy [8] [9] [10]
15Les Nelson [8] [9] [10] [11]
16Laura T. Ring [4] [5]
17Jun Shingu [8]
18Frank M. Shipman III [7]
19Lynn Wilcox [7]
20Toshiya Yamada [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)