2009 |
50 | EE | Alexander Fülleborn,
Klaus Meffert,
Maritta Heisel:
Problem-Oriented Documentation of Design Patterns.
FASE 2009: 294-308 |
49 | | Michael Goedicke,
Maritta Heisel,
Sascha Hunold,
Stefan Kühne,
Matthias Riebisch,
Niels Streekmann:
Modellgetriebene Softwarearchitektur - Evolution, Integration und Migration (MSEIM 2009).
Software Engineering 2009: 199-200 |
2008 |
48 | EE | Denis Hatebur,
Maritta Heisel,
Holger Schmidt:
Analysis and Component-based Realization of Security Requirements.
ARES 2008: 195-203 |
47 | EE | Denis Hatebur,
Maritta Heisel,
Holger Schmidt:
A Formal Metamodel for Problem Frames.
MoDELS 2008: 68-82 |
46 | | Michael Goedicke,
Maritta Heisel,
Sascha Hunold,
Stefan Kühne,
Matthias Riebisch,
Niels Streekmann:
Workshop Modellgetriebene Softwarearchitektur -Evolution, Integration und Migration.
Software Engineering 2008: 285-287 |
45 | | Michael Goedicke,
Maritta Heisel,
Sascha Hunold,
Stefan Kühne,
Matthias Riebisch,
Niels Streekmann:
Workshop Modellgetriebene Softwarearchitektur - Evolution, Integration und Migration (MSEIM 2008).
Software Engineering (Workshops) 2008: 173-177 |
44 | | Maritta Heisel,
Denis Hatebur,
Thomas Santen,
Dirk Seifen:
Using UML Environment Models for Test Case Generation.
Software Engineering (Workshops) 2008: 399-406 |
2007 |
43 | EE | Denis Hatebur,
Maritta Heisel,
Holger Schmidt:
A Pattern System for Security Requirements Engineering.
ARES 2007: 356-365 |
42 | EE | Arnaud Lanoix,
Denis Hatebur,
Maritta Heisel,
Jeanine Souquières:
Enhancing Dependability of Component-Based Systems.
Ada-Europe 2007: 41-54 |
41 | EE | Denis Hatebur,
Maritta Heisel,
Holger Schmidt:
A Security Engineering Process based on Patterns.
DEXA Workshops 2007: 734-738 |
40 | EE | Isabelle Côté,
Maritta Heisel,
Ina Wentzlaff:
Pattern-Based Evolution of Software Architectures.
ECSA 2007: 29-43 |
39 | | Rainer Gimnich,
Michael Goedicke,
Wilhelm Hasselbring,
Maritta Heisel,
Ralf Reussner,
Andreas Winter:
WG5: Workshop Softwarearchitektur und Migration.
Software Engineering 2007: 283-284 |
38 | | Rainer Gimnich,
Michael Goedicke,
Wilhelm Hasselbring,
Maritta Heisel,
Ralf Reussner,
Andreas Winter:
Software Engineering (Workshops) 2007: 151-152 |
37 | EE | Isabelle Côté,
Maritta Heisel,
Ina Wentzlaff:
Pattern-Based Exploration of Design Alternatives for the Evolution of Software Architectures.
Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 16(3/4): 341-365 (2007) |
2006 |
36 | EE | Christine Choppy,
Denis Hatebur,
Maritta Heisel:
Component composition through architectural patterns for problem frames.
APSEC 2006: 27-36 |
35 | EE | Denis Hatebur,
Maritta Heisel,
Holger Schmidt:
Security Engineering Using Problem Frames.
ETRICS 2006: 238-253 |
34 | EE | Denis Hatebur,
Maritta Heisel,
Jeanine Souquières:
A Method for Component-Based Software and System Development.
EUROMICRO-SEAA 2006: 72-80 |
33 | EE | Samir Chouali,
Maritta Heisel,
Jeanine Souquières:
Proving Component Interoperability with B Refinement.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 160: 157-172 (2006) |
2005 |
32 | EE | Denis Hatebur,
Maritta Heisel:
Problem Frames and Architectures for Security Problems.
SAFECOMP 2005: 390-404 |
2004 |
31 | | Maritta Heisel,
Peter Liggesmeyer,
Stefan Wittmann:
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 23rd International Conference, SAFECOMP 2004, Potsdam, Germany, September 21-24, 2004, Proceedings
Springer 2004 |
30 | | Maritta Heisel,
Carsten von Schwichow:
A method for guiding software evolution.
IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2004: 462-468 |
2003 |
29 | EE | Maritta Heisel,
Jeanine Souquières:
Adding Features to Component-Based Systems.
Objects, Agents, and Features 2003: 137-153 |
2002 |
28 | EE | Thomas Santen,
Maritta Heisel,
Andreas Pfitzmann:
Confidentiality-Preserving Refinement is Compositional - Sometimes.
ESORICS 2002: 194-211 |
27 | EE | Maritta Heisel,
Thomas Santen,
Jeanine Souquières:
Toward a Formal Model of Software Components.
ICFEM 2002: 57-68 |
26 | EE | Thomas Rottke,
Denis Hatebur,
Maritta Heisel,
Monika Heiner:
A Problem-Oriented Approach to Common Criteria Certification.
SAFECOMP 2002: 334-346 |
25 | EE | Christine Choppy,
Maritta Heisel:
Use of Patterns in Formal Development: Systematic Transition from Problems to Architectural Designs.
WADT 2002: 201-215 |
2001 |
24 | EE | Maritta Heisel,
Andreas Pfitzmann,
Thomas Santen:
Confidentiality-Preserving Refinement.
CSFW 2001: 295-306 |
23 | | Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Maritta Heisel,
Heiko Dörr:
Specifying embedded systems with statecharts and Z: an agenda for cyclic software components.
Sci. Comput. Program. 40(1): 31-57 (2001) |
1999 |
22 | EE | Maritta Heisel,
Jeanine Souquières:
A Method for Requirements Elicitation and Formal Specification.
ER 1999: 309-324 |
21 | EE | Monika Heiner,
Maritta Heisel:
Modeling Safety-Critical Systems with Z and Petri Nets.
SAFECOMP 1999: 361-374 |
1998 |
20 | EE | Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Maritta Heisel,
Heiko Dörr:
Specifying Embedded Systems with Staecharts and Z: An Agenda for Cyclic Software Components.
FASE 1998: 88-106 |
19 | | Maritta Heisel,
Jeanine Souquières:
A Heuristic Approach to Detect Feature Interactions in Requirements.
FIW 1998: 165-171 |
18 | | Maritta Heisel,
Rainer Mackenthun,
Thomas Neustupny,
Sadegh Sadeghipour,
Matthias Weber:
Tutorium: Entwicklung sicherheitskritischer eingebetteter Systeme: Der ESPRESS-Ansatz.
GI Jahrestagung 1998: 401-403 |
17 | EE | Kirsten Winter,
Thomas Santen,
Maritta Heisel:
An Agenda for Specifying Software Components with Complex Data Models.
SAFECOMP 1998: 16-31 |
1997 |
16 | | Maritta Heisel,
Stefan Jähnichen:
A Two-Layered Approach to Support Systematic Software Development.
Requirements Targeting Software and Systems Engineering 1997: 179-202 |
15 | | Maritta Heisel,
Nicole Lévy:
Using LOTOS Patterns to Characterize Architectural Styles.
TAPSOFT 1997: 818-832 |
1995 |
14 | | Maritta Heisel:
Specification of the Unix File System: A Comparative Case Study.
AMAST 1995: 475-488 |
13 | | Maritta Heisel,
Thomas Santen,
Dominik Zimmermann:
Tool Support for Formal Software Development: A Generic Architecture.
ESEC 1995: 272-293 |
1994 |
12 | | Maritta Heisel,
Debora Weber-Wulff:
Korrekte Software: Nur eine Illusion?
Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 9(4): 192-200 (1994) |
1993 |
11 | | Maritta Heisel:
"Frauenspezifische Informatik" und Frauenförderpläne: Wie paßt das zusammen?.
Frauen in Mathematik und Informatik 1993: 119-128 |
10 | | Maritta Heisel,
Debora Weber-Wulff:
Korrekte Software: Nur eine Illusion?
GI Jahrestagung 1993: 240 |
1992 |
9 | | Maritta Heisel:
Formalizing and Implementing Gries' Program Development Method in Dynamic Logic.
Sci. Comput. Program. 18(1): 107-137 (1992) |
1990 |
8 | | Maritta Heisel,
Wolfgang Reif,
Werner Stephan:
Tactical Theorem Proving in Program Verification.
CADE 1990: 117-131 |
1989 |
7 | | Maritta Heisel,
Wolfgang Reif,
Werner Stephan:
Machine-Assisted Program Construction and Modification.
GWAI 1989: 338-347 |
6 | | Maritta Heisel,
Wolfgang Reif,
Werner Stephan:
A Dynamic Logic for Program Verification.
Logic at Botik 1989: 134-145 |
1988 |
5 | | Maritta Heisel,
Wolfgang Reif,
Werner Stephan:
Implementing Verification Strategies in the KIV-System.
CADE 1988: 131-140 |
4 | | Maritta Heisel,
Wolfgang Reif:
Bericht über den Workshop ``Logik und Wissensrepräsentation''.
KI 2(3): 15-17 (1988) |
1987 |
3 | | Maritta Heisel,
Wolfgang Reif,
Werner Stephan:
Program Verification Using Dynamic Logic.
CSL 1987: 102-117 |
2 | | Maritta Heisel,
Wolfgang Reif,
Werner Stephan:
Program Verification by Symbolic Execution and Induction.
GWAI 1987: 201-210 |
1986 |
1 | | Reiner Hähnle,
Maritta Heisel,
Wolfgang Reif,
Werner Stephan:
An Interactive Verification System Based on Dynamic Logic.
CADE 1986: 306-315 |