
Clinton Heinze

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15EESamin Karim, Clinton Heinze: Experiences with the design and implementation of an agent-based autonomous UAV controller. AAMAS Industrial Applications 2005: 19-26
14EESimon Goss, Clinton Heinze, Michael Papasimeon, Adrian R. Pearce, Leon Sterling: Towards Reuse in Agent Oriented Information Systems: The Importance of Being Purposive. AOIS 2003: 110-125
13EEClinton Heinze, Leon Sterling: Using the UML to model knowledge in agent systems. AAMAS 2002: 441-42
12EETim Menzies, Adrian R. Pearce, Clinton Heinze, Simon Goss: What Is an Agent and Why Should I Care? FAABS 2002: 1-14
11 Clinton Heinze, Simon Goss, Torgny Josefsson, Kerry Bennett, Sam Waugh, Ian J. Lloyd, Graeme Murray, Johnathan Oldfield: Interchanging Agents and Humans in Military Simulation. AI Magazine 23(2): 37-48 (2002)
10EEMichael Papasimeon, Clinton Heinze: Extending the UML for Designing Jack Agents. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2001: 89-97
9 Clinton Heinze, Simon Goss, Torgny Josefsson, Kerry Bennett, Sam Waugh, Ian J. Lloyd, Graeme Murray, Johnathan Oldfield: Interchanging Agents and Humans in Military Simulation. IAAI 2001: 27-34
8EEAdrian R. Pearce, Clinton Heinze, Simon Goss: Enabling Perception for Plan Recognition in Multi-Agent Air Mission Simulations. ICMAS 2000: 427-428
7EEClinton Heinze, Adrian R. Pearce, Leon Sterling, Simon Goss: Designing Perception Modules to Shape Information for Agents. PRICAI Workshops 2000: 239-248
6EEClinton Heinze, Michael Papasimeon, Simon Goss: Specifying Agent Behaviour with Use Cases. PRIMA 2000: 128-142
5EEGary Au, Simon Goss, Clinton Heinze, Adrian R. Pearce: RescueModel: A Multi-Agent Simulation of Bushfire Disaster Management. RoboCup 2000: 285-290
4 Gil Tidhar, Clinton Heinze, Simon Goss, Graeme Murray, Dino Appla, Ian J. Lloyd: Using Intelligent Agents in Military Simulation or "Using Agents Intelligently". AAAI/IAAI 1999: 829-836
3 Clinton Heinze, Bradley Smith, Martin Cross: Thinking Quickly: Agents for Modeling Air Warfare. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1998: 47-58
2 Gil Tidhar, Clinton Heinze, Mario C. Selvestrel: Flying Together: Modelling Air Mission Teams. Appl. Intell. 8(3): 195-218 (1998)
1EEGil Tidhar, Mario C. Selvestrel, Clinton Heinze: Modelling Teams and Team Tactics in Whole Air Mission Modelling. IEA/AIE 1995: 373-381

Coauthor Index

1Dino Appla [4]
2Gary Au [5]
3Kerry Bennett [9] [11]
4Martin Cross [3]
5Simon Goss [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [14]
6Torgny Josefsson [9] [11]
7Samin Karim [15]
8Ian J. Lloyd [4] [9] [11]
9Tim Menzies [12]
10Graeme Murray [4] [9] [11]
11Johnathan Oldfield [9] [11]
12Michael Papasimeon [6] [10] [14]
13Adrian R. Pearce [5] [7] [8] [12] [14]
14Mario C. Selvestrel [1] [2]
15Bradley Smith [3]
16Leon Sterling [7] [13] [14]
17Gil Tidhar [1] [2] [4]
18Sam Waugh [9] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)