
Eva Heinrich

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8EEJun Zhang, Eva Heinrich: A System Designed to Support Formative Assessment of Open-Ended Written Assignments. ICALT 2005: 88-92
7 Jia-Yi Lu, Eva Heinrich, Isaac Pak-Wah Fung: An Initial Survey on Student Attitudes toward Working with Marked Examples in the E-learning Context. ICCE 2005: 783-786
6EEEva Heinrich: Electronic Repositories of Marked Student Work and their Contributions to Formative Evaluation. Educational Technology & Society 7(3): 82-96 (2004)
5EEEva Heinrich, Frédéric Andrès: Enriching Document Collections through the Writing of 'Stories'. ICALT 2003: 101-105
4 Jisong Chen, Eva Heinrich, Elizabeth A. Kemp: Accessing Learning Objects within the Multi-Modal Description Framework. ICCE 2002: 117-118
3EEEva Heinrich, Jisong Chen: A Framework for the Multi-modal Description of Learning Objects. Dublin Core Conference 2001: 32-37
2EEEva Heinrich, Elizabeth A. Kemp: Description and Retrieval across Multiple Media Formats. DEXA Workshop 2000: 940-948
1EEEva Heinrich, Hermann A. Maurer: Active Documents: Concept, Implementation and Applications. J. UCS 6(12): 1197-1202 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Frédéric Andrès [5]
2Jisong Chen [3] [4]
3Isaac Pak-Wah Fung [7]
4Elizabeth A. Kemp [2] [4]
5Jia-Yi Lu [7]
6Hermann A. Maurer [1]
7Jun Zhang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)