
Michael A. Heather

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13 B. Nick Rossiter, Michael A. Heather: Conditions for Interoperability. ICEIS (1) 2005: 92-99
12 Salem Aljareh, B. Nick Rossiter, Michael A. Heather: A Formal Security Model for Collaboration in Multi-agency Networks. Computer Supported Acitivity Coordination 2004: 253-260
11 Salem Aljareh, B. Nick Rossiter, Michael A. Heather: A Formal Security Model for Collaboration in Multi-agency Networks. WOSIS 2004: 157-169
10 B. Nick Rossiter, Michael A. Heather: Four-Level-Architecture for Closure in Interoperability. EFIS 2003: 83-88
9 B. Nick Rossiter, David A. Nelson, Michael A. Heather: Formalizing Types with Ultimate Closure for Middleware Tools in Information Systems Engineering. ICEIS (1) 2003: 366-373
8 B. Nick Rossiter, David A. Nelson, Michael A. Heather: A Universal Technique for Relating Heterogeneous Data Models. ICEIS (1) 2001: 96-103
7 B. Nick Rossiter, David A. Nelson, Michael A. Heather: Three-Level Architecture for Query Closure in Database Systems. ICEIS 1999: 760
6 Michael A. Heather, B. Nick Rossiter: Constructing Standards For Cross-Platform Operation. Software Quality Journal 7(2): 131-140 (1998)
5 Michael A. Heather, B. Nick Rossiter: Object Awareness in Multimedia Documents. PODP 1996: 59-86
4 T. J. Sillitoe, B. Nick Rossiter, Michael A. Heather: Trail Management in Hypertext: Database Support for Navigation through Textual Complex Objects. BNCOD 1990: 224-242
3 B. Nick Rossiter, Michael A. Heather: Database Models for Textual Documents: User Needs and System Capabilities. DEXA 1990: 479-486
2 B. Nick Rossiter, T. J. Sillitoe, Michael A. Heather: Database Support for Very Large Hypertexts. Electronic Publishing 3(3): 141-154 (1990)
1 Michael A. Heather, B. Nick Rossiter: Semantic pattern matching in netbases. Neurocomputing 2(4): 173-176 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Salem Aljareh [11] [12]
2David A. Nelson [7] [8] [9]
3B. Nick Rossiter [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
4T. J. Sillitoe [2] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)