
Mark Hawley

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4EEFabien Cardinaux, Simon Brownsell, Mark Hawley, David Bradley: Modelling of Behavioural Patterns for Abnormality Detection in the Context of Lifestyle Reassurance. CIARP 2008: 243-251
3EEHuiru Zheng, Chris D. Nugent, Paul J. McCullagh, Norman D. Black, Chris Eccleston, David Bradley, Mark Hawley, Simon Brownsell, Sue J. Mawson, Peter C. Wright, Gail A. Mountain: Towards a Decision Support Personalised Self Management System for Chronic Conditions. ICNSC 2008: 1521-1524
2EEJulienne Hanson, John Percival, Hazel Aldred, Simon Brownsell, Mark Hawley: Attitudes to telecare among older people, professional care workers and informal carers: a preventative strategy or crisis management? Universal Access in the Information Society 6(2): 193-205 (2007)
1EEPeter O'Neill, Chris Roast, Mark Hawley: Evaluation of scanning user interfaces using real-time-data usage logs. ASSETS 2000: 137-141

Coauthor Index

1Hazel Aldred [2]
2Norman D. Black [3]
3David Bradley [3] [4]
4Simon Brownsell [2] [3] [4]
5Fabien Cardinaux [4]
6Chris Eccleston [3]
7Julienne Hanson [2]
8Sue J. Mawson [3]
9Paul J. McCullagh [3]
10Gail A. Mountain [3]
11Chris D. Nugent [3]
12Peter O'Neill [1]
13John Percival [2]
14Chris Roast (Chris R. Roast) [1]
15Peter C. Wright [3]
16Huiru Zheng [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)