
Peter Harvey

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11EEPeter Harvey, Chee Fon Chang, Aditya Ghose: Support-based distributed search: a new approach for multiagent constraint processing. AAMAS 2006: 377-383
10EEPeter Harvey, Chee Fon Chang, Aditya Ghose: Support-Based Distributed Search: A New Approach for Multiagent Constraint Processing. ArgMAS 2006: 91-106
9EEPeter Harvey, Aditya Ghose: Relaxation of Soft Constraints Via a Unified Semiring. Canadian Conference on AI 2006: 122-133
8EEPeter Harvey, Chee Fon Chang, Aditya Ghose: Simple Support-Based Distributed Search. Canadian Conference on AI 2006: 159-170
7 Chee Fon Chang, Peter Harvey, Aditya Ghose: Source Sensitive Argumentation System. ICEIS (2) 2006: 39-46
6EELouise Leenen, Thomas Andreas Meyer, Peter Harvey, Aditya Ghose: A Relaxation of a Semiring Constraint Satisfaction Problem Using Combined Semirings. PRICAI 2006: 907-911
5EEChee Fon Chang, Peter Harvey, Aditya K. Ghose: Combining Credibility in a Source Sensitive Argumentation System. SETN 2006: 478-481
4EEPeter Harvey, Chee Fon Chang, Aditya K. Ghose: Practical Application of Support-Based Distributed Search. ICTAI 2005: 34-38
3EEPeter Harvey, Aditya Ghose: Reducing Redundancy in the Hypertree Decomposition Scheme. ICTAI 2003: 474-481
2EEAditya Ghose, Peter Harvey: Metric SCSPs: Partial Constraint Satisfaction via Semiring CSPs Augmented with Metrics. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002: 443-454
1 Chee Fon Chang, Aditya Ghose, Justin Lipman, Peter Harvey: Gongeroos'99. RoboCup 1999: 572-575

Coauthor Index

1Chee Fon Chang [1] [4] [5] [7] [8] [10] [11]
2Aditya K. Ghose (Aditya Ghose) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
3Louise Leenen [6]
4Justin Lipman [1]
5Thomas Andreas Meyer (Tommie Meyer) [6]

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