
Alexander K. Hartmann

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12EEMartin Pelikan, Rajiv Kalapala, Alexander K. Hartmann: Hybrid evolutionary algorithms on minimum vertex cover for random graphs. GECCO 2007: 547-554
11EEMartin Pelikan, Alexander K. Hartmann: Obtaining ground states of ising spin glasses via optimizing bonds instead of spins. GECCO 2007: 628
10EEMartin Pelikan, Alexander K. Hartmann, Tz-Kai Lin: Parameter-less Hierarchical Bayesian Optimization Algorithm. Parameter Setting in Evolutionary Algorithms 2007: 225-239
9EEMartin Pelikan, Alexander K. Hartmann, Kumara Sastry: Hierarchical BOA, Cluster Exact Approximation, and Ising Spin Glasses. PPSN 2006: 122-131
8EEMartin Pelikan, Alexander K. Hartmann: Searching for Ground States of Ising Spin Glasses with Hierarchical BOA and Cluster Exact Approximation. Scalable Optimization via Probabilistic Modeling 2006: 333-349
7EEAlexander K. Hartmann, Wolfgang Barthel, Martin Weigt: Phase transition and finite-size scaling in the vertex-cover problem. Computer Physics Communications 169(1-3): 234-237 (2005)
6EEWolfgang Barthel, Alexander K. Hartmann, Martin Weigt: Solving satisfiability problems by fluctuations: The dynamics of stochastic local search algorithms CoRR cond-mat/0301271: (2003)
5EEWolfgang Barthel, Alexander K. Hartmann, Michele Leone, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi, Martin Weigt, Riccardo Zecchina: Hiding solutions in random satisfiability problems: A statistical mechanics approach CoRR cond-mat/0111153: (2001)
4EEAlexander K. Hartmann, Martin Weigt: Statistical mechanics perspective on the phase transition in vertex covering of finite-connectivity random graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 265(1-2): 199-225 (2001)
3EEMartin Weigt, Alexander K. Hartmann: The number of guards needed by a museum: A phase transition in vertex covering of random graphs CoRR cond-mat/0001137: (2000)
2EEAlexander K. Hartmann, Martin Weigt: Statistical mechanics perspective on the phase transition in vertex covering finite-connectivity random graphs CoRR cond-mat/0006316: (2000)
1EEMartin Weigt, Alexander K. Hartmann: Typical solution time for a vertex-covering algorithm on finite-connectivity random graphs CoRR cond-mat/0009417: (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Wolfgang Barthel [5] [6] [7]
2Rajiv Kalapala [12]
3Michele Leone [5]
4Tz-Kai Lin [10]
5Martin Pelikan [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
6Federico Ricci-Tersenghi [5]
7Kumara Sastry [9]
8Martin Weigt [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
9Riccardo Zecchina [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)