
Akira Hara

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15EEMiyuki Shibasaka, Akira Hara, Takumi Ichimura, Tetsuyuki Takahama: Species-based differential evolution with switching search strategies for multimodal function optimization. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 1183-1190
14EETetsuyuki Takahama, Setsuko Sakai, Akira Hara, Noriyuki Iwane: Structural learning of neural networks by differential evolution with degeneration using mappings. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 3434-3441
13 Akira Hara, Yoshiaki Kurosawa, Takumi Ichimura: Knowledge Acquisition from Computer Log Files by ADG with Variable Agent Size. IMECS 2007: 47-52
12 Takumi Ichimura, Yoshiaki Kurosawa, Akira Hara: A Web Based Maintenance Method of Computer Servers Using Extracted Rules by ADG. IMECS 2007: 976-981
11EEYoshiaki Kurosawa, Akira Hara, Kazuya Mera, Takumi Ichimura: Reconsideration of the Effectiveness on Extracting Computer Diagnostic Rules by Automatically Defined Groups. KES (2) 2007: 411-418
10EETakumi Ichimura, Akira Hara, Yoshiaki Kurosawa: A classification method for spam e-mail by Self-Organizing Map and automatically defined groups. SMC 2007: 2044-2049
9EEAkira Hara, Takumi Ichimura, Tetsuyuki Takahama, Yoshinori Isomichi, Motoki Shigemi: Effect of Direct Communication in Ant System. KES (1) 2005: 925-931
8EEToshihiro Ikeda, Akira Hara, Takumi Ichimura, Tetsuyuki Takahama, Yuko Taniguchi, Hiroshige Yamada, Ryota Hakozaki, Haruo Sakuda: Multi-agent Cluster System for Optimal Performance in Heterogeneous Computer Environments. KES (1) 2005: 932-937
7EEAkira Hara, Takumi Ichimura, Tetsuyuki Takahama, Yoshinori Isomichi: Extraction of Risk Factors by Multi-agent Voting Model Using Automatically Defined Groups. KES (3) 2005: 1218-1224
6EEYoshiaki Kurosawa, Akira Hara, Machi Suka, Takumi Ichimura: Preprocessing for Extracting Information from Medical Record to Add XML Tags. KES (3) 2005: 1246-1252
5EEAkira Hara, Takumi Ichimura, Tetsuyuki Takahama, Yoshinori Isomichi: Extraction of Rules from Coronary Heart Disease Database Using Automatically Defined Groups. KES 2004: 1089-1096
4EEAkira Hara, Takumi Ichimura, Tetsuyuki Takahama, Yoshinori Isomichi: Extraction of Rules by Heterogeneous Agents Using Automatically Defined Groups. KES 2003: 1405-1411
3EETakumi Ichimura, Akira Hara, Tetsuyuki Takahama, Yoshinori Isomichi, Rie Utsunomiya: Multi-objective Decision Making by AHP and Its Application to Personal Preference Retrieval System. KES 2003: 474-480
2EEAkira Hara, Tomoharu Nagao: Construction and Analysis of Stock Market Model Using ADG; Automatically Defined Groups. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 2(4): 433-446 (2002)
1 Akira Hara, Tomoharu Nagao: Emergence of the cooperative behavior using ADG; Automatically Defined Groups. GECCO 1999: 1039-1046

Coauthor Index

1Ryota Hakozaki [8]
2Takumi Ichimura [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15]
3Toshihiro Ikeda [8]
4Yoshinori Isomichi [3] [4] [5] [7] [9]
5Noriyuki Iwane [14]
6Yoshiaki Kurosawa [6] [10] [11] [12] [13]
7Kazuya Mera [11]
8Tomoharu Nagao [1] [2]
9Setsuko Sakai [14]
10Haruo Sakuda [8]
11Miyuki Shibasaka [15]
12Motoki Shigemi [9]
13Machi Suka [6]
14Tetsuyuki Takahama [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [14] [15]
15Yuko Taniguchi [8]
16Rie Utsunomiya [3]
17Hiroshige Yamada [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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