
Sun-Gwan Han

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8EESoo-Hwan Kim, Hee-Seop Han, Sun-Gwan Han: The Study on Effective Programming Learning Using Wiki Community Systems. EC-TEL 2006: 646-651
7EESoo-Jin Jun, Sun-Gwan Han, Hae-Young Kim: Web Services-Based Digital Library as a CSCL Space Using Case-Based Reasoning. RSKT 2006: 598-603
6EESun-Gwan Han, Hee-Seop Han: Integrating Architecture of Digital Library and e-Learning Based on Intelligent Agent. KES (2) 2005: 651-657
5EESun-Gwan Han, Soon-Geun Lee, GeunSik Jo: Case-based tutoring systems for procedural problem solving on the www. Expert Syst. Appl. 29(3): 573-582 (2005)
4EEHee-Seop Han, Jae-Bong Kim, Sun-Gwan Han, Hyeoncheol Kim: Agent-Based Approach to Conference Information Management. KES 2004: 788-794
3EESun-Gwan Han, Hee-Seop Han, Jae-Bong Kim: SCORM-Based Contents Collecting Using Mobile Agent in M-Learning. PCM (2) 2004: 688-695
2 Jong-Pil Cheon, Jang-Mi Paek, Sun-Gwan Han, Chul-Hwan Lee: Automated Lesson Planner System for ICT Education. ICCE 2002: 485-489
1 Chul-Hwan Lee, Sun-Gwan Han: Educational Contents Sharing and Retrieving Systems Using Mobile Agent. ICCE 2002: 50-54

Coauthor Index

1Jong-Pil Cheon [2]
2Hee-Seop Han [3] [4] [6] [8]
3GeunSik Jo [5]
4Soo-Jin Jun [7]
5Hae-Young Kim [7]
6Hyeoncheol Kim [4]
7Jae-Bong Kim [3] [4]
8Soo-Hwan Kim [8]
9Chul-Hwan Lee [1] [2]
10Soon-Geun Lee [5]
11Jang-Mi Paek [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)