
Peter Hammond

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17EEKushan Nammuni, Claire Pickering, Sanjay Modgil, Alan Montgomery, Peter Hammond, Jeremy C. Wyatt, Douglas G. Altman, Robert Dunlop, Henry W. W. Potts: Design-a-trial: a rule-based decision support system for clinical trial design. Knowl.-Based Syst. 17(2-4): 121-129 (2004)
16 Sanjay Modgil, Peter Hammond: Decision support tools for clinical trial design. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 27(2): 181-200 (2003)
15 Tim J. Hutton, Bernard F. Buxton, Peter Hammond, Henry W. W. Potts: Estimating Average Growth Trajectories in Shape-Space using Kernel Smoothing. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 22(6): 747-753 (2003)
14 Sanjay Modgil, Tim J. Hutton, Peter Hammond, John C. Davenport: Combining biometric and symbolic models for customised, automated prosthesis design. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 25(3): 227-245 (2002)
13EESanjay Modgil, Peter Hammond: Generating Symbolic and Natural Language Partial Solutions for Inclusion in Medical Plans. AIME 2001: 239-248
12EEPeter Hammond, Paul Wells, Sanjay Modgil: Animating Medical and Safety Knowledge. AIMDM 1999: 443-447
11EETim J. Hutton, Peter Hammond, John C. Davenport: Active Shape Models for Customised Prosthesis Design. AIMDM 1999: 448-452
10 Subrata Kumar Das, John Fox, D. Elsdon, Peter Hammond: Decision Making and Plan Management by Autonomous Agents: Theory, Implementation and Applications. Agents 1997: 276-283
9 Subrata Kumar Das, John Fox, D. Elsdon, Peter Hammond: A flexible architecture for autonomous agents. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 9(4): 407-440 (1997)
8 Subrata Kumar Das, Peter Hammond: Managing Tasks Using an Interval-Based Temporal Logic. Appl. Intell. 6(4): 311-323 (1996)
7 Subrata Kumar Das, Peter Hammond: A Logic for Conditional Recommendation. Informatica (Slovenia) 20(1): (1996)
6 Peter Hammond, Marek J. Sergot: Computer Support for Protocol-Based Treatment of Cancer. J. Log. Program. 26(2): 93-111 (1996)
5 Peter Hammond, John C. Davenport, F. J. Fitzpatrick: Logic-based integrity constraints and the design of dental prostheses. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 5(5): 431-446 (1993)
4 Marek J. Sergot, Fariba Sadri, Robert A. Kowalski, F. Kriwaczek, Peter Hammond, H. T. Cory: The British Nationality Act as a Logic Program. Commun. ACM 29(5): 370-386 (1986)
3 Andrew Lyall, Peter Hammond, D. Brough, D. Glover: BIOLOG - a DNA sequence analysis system in PROLOG. Nucleic Acids Research 12(1): 633-642 (1984)
2EEPeter Hammond: On the non-existence of perfect and nearly perfect codes. Discrete Mathematics 39(1): 105-109 (1982)
1EEPeter Hammond: q-Coverings, codes, and line graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 30(1): 32-35 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Douglas G. Altman [17]
2D. Brough [3]
3Bernard F. Buxton [15]
4H. T. Cory [4]
5Subrata Kumar Das [7] [8] [9] [10]
6John C. Davenport [5] [11] [14]
7Robert Dunlop [17]
8D. Elsdon [9] [10]
9F. J. Fitzpatrick [5]
10John Fox [9] [10]
11D. Glover [3]
12Tim J. Hutton [11] [14] [15]
13Robert A. Kowalski [4]
14F. Kriwaczek [4]
15Andrew Lyall [3]
16Sanjay Modgil [12] [13] [14] [16] [17]
17Alan Montgomery [17]
18Kushan Nammuni [17]
19Claire Pickering [17]
20Henry W. W. Potts [15] [17]
21Fariba Sadri [4]
22Marek J. Sergot [4] [6]
23Paul Wells [12]
24Jeremy C. Wyatt [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)