
Fred Henrik Hamker

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13EEJulien Vitay, Fred Henrik Hamker: Sustained Activities and Retrieval in a Computational Model of the Perirhinal Cortex. J. Cognitive Neuroscience 20(11): 1993-2005 (2008)
12EEJulien Vitay, Fred Henrik Hamker: On the Role of Dopamine in Cognitive Vision. WAPCV 2007: 352-366
11EEFred Henrik Hamker, Marc Zirnsak: V4 receptive field dynamics as predicted by a systems-level model of visual attention using feedback from the frontal eye field. Neural Networks 19(9): 1371-1382 (2006)
10EEFred Henrik Hamker: A Population-Based Inference Framework for Feature-Based Attention in Natural Scenes. BVAI 2005: 147-156
9EEFred Henrik Hamker: The emergence of attention by population-based inference and its role in distributed processing and cognitive control of vision. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 100(1-2): 64-106 (2005)
8EEFred Henrik Hamker: Modeling Attention: From Computational Neuroscience to Computer Vision. WAPCV 2004: 118-132
7EEFred Henrik Hamker: Predictions of a model of spatial attention using sum- and max-pooling functions. Neurocomputing 56: 329-343 (2004)
6EEFred Henrik Hamker, James Worcester: Object Detection in Natural Scenes by Feedback. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2002: 398-407
5EEFred Henrik Hamker: Life-long learning Cell Structures--continuously learning without catastrophic interference. Neural Networks 14(4-5): 551-573 (2001)
4EEJürgen Paetz, Fred Henrik Hamker, Sven Thöne: About the Analysis of Septic Shock Patient Data. ISMDA 2000: 130-137
3 Fred Henrik Hamker: Visuelle Aufmerksamkeit und lebenslanges Lernen im Wahrnehmungs-Handlungs-Zyklus. KI 14(4): 68-70 (2000)
2EEDietmar Heinke, Fred Henrik Hamker: Comparing neural networks: a benchmark on growing neural gas, growing cell structures, and fuzzy ARTMAP. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9(6): 1279-1291 (1998)
1 Fred Henrik Hamker, Horst-Michael Gross: Object Selection with Dynamic Neural Maps. ICANN 1997: 919-924

Coauthor Index

1Horst-Michael Groß (Horst-Michael Gross) [1]
2Dietmar Heinke [2]
3Jürgen Paetz [4]
4Sven Thöne [4]
5Julien Vitay [12] [13]
6James Worcester [6]
7Marc Zirnsak [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)