
Douglas V. Hall

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5EEChong H. Lee, Marek A. Perkowski, Douglas V. Hall, David S. Jun: Self-Repairable EPLDs: Design, Self-Repair, and Evaluation Methodology. Evolvable Hardware 2000: 183-194
4EEUgur Kalay, Douglas V. Hall, Marek A. Perkowski: A Minimal Universal Test Set for Self-Test of EXOR-Sum-of-Products Circuits. IEEE Trans. Computers 49(3): 267-276 (2000)
3EEUgur Kalay, Marek A. Perkowski, Douglas V. Hall: Highly Testable Boolean Ring Logic Circuits. ISMVL 1999: 268-274
2 Douglas V. Hall, Michael A. Driscoll: Hardware for Fast Global Operations on Workstation Cluster Multicomputers. ICDCS 1995: 475-482
1EEDouglas V. Hall, Michael A. Driscoll: Hardware for fast global operations on multicomputers. IPPS 1995: 673-679

Coauthor Index

1Michael A. Driscoll [1] [2]
2David S. Jun [5]
3Ugur Kalay [3] [4]
4Chong H. Lee [5]
5Marek A. Perkowski [3] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)