
Jin-Ho Hahm

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9EEJ. Y. Kim, Jin-Ho Hahm, Young Sun Kim, J. K. Choi: Policy-based QoS Control Architecture Model using API for Streaming Services. ICN/ICONS/MCL 2006: 102
8EEYoungHwan Kwon, Seong Gon Choi, Jun Kyun Choi, Jeong Yun Kim, Jin-Ho Hahm: Efficient Wireless Resource Management Scheme Using Differential Received Signal Strength Indicator in Soft Handoff. ICOIN 2006: 52-61
7EEDoan Huy Cuong, Jun Kyun Choi, Dipnarayan Guha, Jung Soo Park, Hyoung-Jun Kim, Jin-Ho Hahm: Proactive crossover router discovery with FMIPv6. MOBIWAC 2006: 104-107
6EEKyu Ouk Lee, Jin-Ho Hahm, Young Sun Kim: Operator's QoS Policy in WiBro Implementation. NEW2AN 2006: 271-277
5EEYoung-Cheol Bang, Won-Seok Jang, ByungJun Ahn, Jin-Ho Hahm: On Bandwidth Adjusted Multicast in Pipelined Routing Architecture for Mobile Environment. ICCSA (2) 2003: 135-143
4EEJaesup Lee, Kyou-Ho Lee, Jong Hyup Lee, Jin-Ho Hahm, Young Sun Kim: Design and Analysis of MPLS-based ATM Switching System for Differentiated Services. ISCC 2003: 969-974
3EEMyung-Ki Shin, Jin-Ho Hahm: Applying QoS Guaranteed Multicast Audio and Video to the Web. ICMCS, Vol. 2 1999: 26-30
2EEMyung-Ki Shin, Jae Yong Lee, Jung-Sook Bae, Jin-Ho Hahm: The RTMW Application: Bringing Multicast Audio/Video to the Web. Computer Networks 30(1-7): 685-687 (1998)
1 Jong-Jin Sung, Mi-Young Huh, Hyoung-Jun Kim, Jin-Ho Hahm: Hypermedia Information Retrieval System Using MHEG Coded Representation in a Networked Environment. IWACA 1994: 67-77

Coauthor Index

1ByungJun Ahn [5]
2Jung-Sook Bae [2]
3Young-Cheol Bang [5]
4J. K. Choi [9]
5Jun Kyun Choi [7] [8]
6Seong Gon Choi [8]
7Doan Huy Cuong [7]
8Dipnarayan Guha [7]
9Mi-Young Huh [1]
10Won-Seok Jang [5]
11Hyoung-Jun Kim [1] [7]
12J. Y. Kim [9]
13Jeong Yun Kim [8]
14Young Sun Kim [4] [6] [9]
15YoungHwan Kwon [8]
16Jae Yong Lee [2]
17Jaesup Lee [4]
18Jong Hyup Lee [4]
19Kyou-Ho Lee [4]
20Kyu Ouk Lee [6]
21Jung Soo Park [7]
22Myung-Ki Shin [2] [3]
23Jong-Jin Sung [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)