
Joachim Hagenauer

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11EEZaher Dawy, Michel Sarkis, Joachim Hagenauer, Jakob C. Mueller: Fine-Scale Genetic Mapping Using Independent Component Analysis. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 5(3): 448-460 (2008)
10EEJohanna Weindl, Joachim Hagenauer: Applying Techniques from Frame Synchronization for Biological Sequence Analysis. ICC 2007: 833-838
9EEJoachim Hagenauer, Christian Kuhn: The List-Sequential (LISS) Algorithm and Its Application. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(5): 918-928 (2007)
8EEZaher Dawy, Bernhard Goebel, Joachim Hagenauer, Christophe Andreoli, Thomas Meitinger, Jakob C. Mueller: Gene Mapping and Marker Clustering Using Shannon's Mutual Information. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 3(1): 47-56 (2006)
7EEZaher Dawy, Joachim Hagenauer, Andreas Hoffmann: Implementing the Context Tree Weighting Method for Content Recognition. Data Compression Conference 2004: 536
6EERainer Bauer, Joachim Hagenauer: On Variable Length Codes for Iterative Source/Channel Decoding. Data Compression Conference 2001: 273-282
5EERainer Bauer, Joachim Hagenauer: Iterative Source/Channel-Decoding Using Reversible Variable Length Codes. Data Compression Conference 2000: 93-102
4 Thomas Hindelang, Joachim Hagenauer, Max Schmautz, Wen Xu: Channel Coding Techniques for Adaptive Multi Rate Speech Transmission. ICC (2) 2000: 744-748
3 Daniel J. Costello Jr., Joachim Hagenauer, H. Imai, Stephen B. Wicker: Applications of Error-Control Coding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(6): 2531-2560 (1998)
2 Rupert Herzog, Andreas Schmidbauer, Joachim Hagenauer: Iterative Decoding and Despreading Improves CDMA-Systems using M-ary Orthogonal Modulation and FEC. ICC (2) 1997: 909-913
1 Joachim Hagenauer, Elke Offer, Lutz Papke: Iterative decoding of binary block and convolutional codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(2): 429-445 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Christophe Andreoli [8]
2Rainer Bauer [5] [6]
3Daniel J. Costello Jr. [3]
4Zaher Dawy [7] [8] [11]
5Bernhard Goebel [8]
6Rupert Herzog [2]
7Thomas Hindelang [4]
8Andreas Hoffmann [7]
9H. Imai [3]
10Christian Kuhn [9]
11Thomas Meitinger [8]
12Jakob C. Mueller [8] [11]
13Elke Offer [1]
14Lutz Papke [1]
15Michel Sarkis [11]
16Max Schmautz [4]
17Andreas Schmidbauer [2]
18Johanna Weindl [10]
19Stephen B. Wicker [3]
20Wen Xu [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)