
Michel Hack

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6EEAhmed Sobeih, Michel Hack, Zhen Liu, Li Zhang: Almost Peer-to-Peer Clock Synchronization. IPDPS 2007: 1-10
5EEPaul H. Abbott, David G. Brush, Clarence W. Clark III, Chris J. Crone, John R. Ehrman, Graham W. Ewart, Clark A. Goodrich, Michel Hack, John S. Kapernick, Brian J. Minchau, William C. Shepard, Ronald M. Smith Sr., Richard Tallman, Steven Walkowiak, Akio Watanabe, W. Romney White: Architecture and software support in IBM S/390 Parallel Enterprise Servers for IEEE Floating-Point arithmetic. IBM Journal of Research and Development 43(5): 723-760 (1999)
4 Frank Eskesen, Michel Hack, Arun Iyengar, Richard P. King, Nagui Halim: Software Exploitation of a Fault-Tolerant Computer with a Large Memory. FTCS 1998: 336-345
3 Michel Hack: The Equality Problem for Vector Addition Systems is Undecidable. Theor. Comput. Sci. 2(1): 77-95 (1976)
2 Michel Hack: Decidability Questions for Petri Nets Garland Publishing, New York 1975
1 Michel Hack: The Recursive Equivalence of the Reachability Problem and the Liveness Problem for Petri Nets and Vector Addition Systems FOCS 1974: 156-164

Coauthor Index

1Paul H. Abbott [5]
2David G. Brush [5]
3Clarence W. Clark III [5]
4Chris J. Crone [5]
5John R. Ehrman [5]
6Frank Eskesen [4]
7Graham W. Ewart [5]
8Clark A. Goodrich [5]
9Nagui Halim [4]
10Arun Iyengar [4]
11John S. Kapernick [5]
12Richard P. King [4]
13Zhen Liu [6]
14Brian J. Minchau [5]
15William C. Shepard [5]
16Ahmed Sobeih [6]
17Ronald M. Smith Sr. [5]
18Richard Tallman [5]
19Steven Walkowiak [5]
20Akio Watanabe [5]
21W. Romney White [5]
22Li Zhang [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)