
Michael M. Gutzmann

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7EELutz Schlesinger, Andreas Bauer, Wolfgang Lehner, G. Ediberidze, Michael M. Gutzmann: Efficiently Synchronizing Multidimensional Schema Data. DOLAP 2001
6 Werner Erhard, Michael M. Gutzmann, Hastings M. Libati: Design, Structure and Applications of UniMon in Network Traffic Monitoring. ARCS 1999: 99-109
5 Torsten Fink, Michael M. Gutzmann, Torsten Wolf, Werner Erhard: Entwicklung einer abstrakten Speicherkomponente für eine verteilte heterogene dynamische Infrastruktur in Java/CORBA. Java-Informations-Tage 1998: 269-276
4 Werner Erhard, Torsten Fink, Michael M. Gutzmann, Christoph Rahn, Axel Doering, Miroslaw Galicki: The Improvement and Comparison of Different Algorithms for Optimizing Neural Networks on the MasPar MP-2. NC 1998: 617-623
3 Torsten Fink, Michael M. Gutzmann, R. Weper: Distributed, Heterogeneous, Dynamic Computing - A Case Study. PARCO 1997: 463-466
2 Michael Schäfer, Michael M. Gutzmann, Markus Schwehm: Comparing the DAP, Meiko and Suprenum with a Fluid Dynamic Benchmark. CONPAR 1992: 229-240
1 Michael M. Gutzmann, Klaus Steffan: PEPSIM-ST: A Simulator Tool for Benchmarking. CONPAR 1992: 665-676

Coauthor Index

1Andreas Bauer [7]
2Axel Doering [4]
3G. Ediberidze [7]
4Werner Erhard [4] [5] [6]
5Torsten Fink [3] [4] [5]
6Miroslaw Galicki [4]
7Wolfgang Lehner [7]
8Hastings M. Libati [6]
9Christoph Rahn [4]
10Michael Schäfer [2]
11Lutz Schlesinger [7]
12Markus Schwehm [2]
13Klaus Steffan [1]
14R. Weper [3]
15Torsten Wolf [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)