
Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez

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25EEDaniel Gayo-Avello, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, José Gayo-Avello: Naïve Algorithms for Keyphrase Extraction and Text Summarization from a Single Document Inspired by the Protein Biosynthesis Process. BioADIT 2004: 440-455
24EEDaniel Gayo-Avello, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, José Gayo-Avello: Application of Variable Length N-Gram Vectors to Monolingual and Bilingual Information Retrieval. CLEF 2004: 73-82
23EEDaniel Gayo-Avello, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, José Gayo-Avello: One Size Fits All? A Simple Technique to Perform Several NLP Tasks. EsTAL 2004: 267-279
22EEAna Belén Martínez Prieto, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, Francisco Ortín Soler, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle, M. Ángeles Díaz: BDOviedo3P: Data XML Storage and Management. ICWE 2003: 226-229
21EEDaniel Gayo-Avello, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, Agustín Cernuda del Río, José Gayo-Avello, Luis Vinuesa-Martínez, Néstor García-Fernández: The Cooperative Web: A Step towards Web Intelligence. ICWE 2003: 441-444
20EEDaniel Gayo-Avello, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, José Gayo-Avello: A Cooperative Paradigm for Fighting Information Overload. ISCIS 2003: 228-235
19EEDaniel Gayo-Avello, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez: The Cooperative Web: A Complement to the Semantic Web. COMPSAC 2002: 179-186
18EEAndreas Gal, Olaf Spinczyk, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez: Object-Orientation and Operating Systems. ECOOP Workshops 2002: 174-183
17 Daniel Gayo-Avello, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle: A Concept-Based Retrieval Tool: The Cooperative Web. ICWI 2002: 712-715
16 Jesús Arturo Pérez Díaz, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez: Protecting the Data State of Mobile Agents by Using Bitmaps and XOR Operators. Informatica (Slovenia) 26(4): (2002)
15EEDarío Álvarez Gutiérrez, Francisco J. Ballesteros, Paniti Netinant: 4th Workshop on OO and Operating Systems. ECOOP Workshops 2001: 201-207
14EEJesús Arturo Pérez Díaz, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, Igor Sobrado: A fast data protection technique for mobile agents against malicious hosts. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 63: (2001)
13EEFrancisco J. Ballesteros, Frank Schubert, Ashish Singhai, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, Reinhard Meyer: Object-Orientation and Operating Systems. ECOOP Workshops 2000: 32-40
12 Jesús Arturo Pérez Díaz, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, Sara Isabel Garcia Baron: MILENIO: A secure Java2-based mobile agent system with a comprehensive security. Informatica (Slovenia) 24(4): (2000)
11EEMaría Ángeles Díaz Fondón, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, Armando García-Mendoza Sánchez, Fernando Álvarez García, Lourdes Tajes Martínez, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle: Integrating Capabilities into the Object Model to Protect Distributed Object Systems. DOA 1999: 374-383
10 Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, María Ángeles Díaz Fondón, Fernando Álvarez García, Lourdes Tajes Martínez: Eliminating Garbage Collection by Using Virtual Memory Techniques to Implement Complete Object Persistence. ECOOP Workshops 1999: 28
9 Francisco Ortín Soler, Ana Belén Martínez Prieto, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle: Diseño de un Sistema de Persistencia Implícita Mediante Reflectividad Computacional. JISBD 1999: 39-50
8 Francisco Ortín Soler, Ana Belén Martínez Prieto, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle: A Reflective Persistence Middleware over an Object Oriented Database Engine. SBBD 1999: 137-152
7EEMaría Ángeles Díaz Fondón, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, Lourdes Tajes Martínez, Fernando Álvarez García, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle: Capability-Based Protection for Integral Object-Oriented Systems. COMPSAC 1998: 344-349
6EEMaría Ángeles Díaz Fondón, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, Armando García-Mendoza Sánchez, Fernando Álvarez García, Lourdes Tajes Martínez, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle: Merging Capabilities with the Object Model of an Object-Oriented Abstract Machine. ECOOP Workshops 1998: 277
5EELourdes Tajes Martínez, Fernando Álvarez García, María Ángeles Díaz Fondón, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle: A Computational Model for a Distributed Object-Oriented Operating System Based on a Reflective Abstract Machine. ECOOP Workshops 1998: 382-383
4EEDarío Álvarez Gutiérrez, Lourdes Tajes Martínez, Fernando Álvarez García, María Ángeles Díaz Fondón, Raúl Izquierdo Castanedo, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle: An Object-Oriented Abstract Machine as the Substrate for an Object-Oriented Operating System. ECOOP Workshops 1997: 537-544
3 Ana Belén Martínez Prieto, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez: Desarrollo de SGBDOO en OVIEDO3. JIDBD 1996: 109-118
2 Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle, Benjamin López Pérez: Laboratorio de Bases de Datos: Realizatión con otras asignaturas. JIDBD 1996: 75-83
1 Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez, María Ángeles Díaz Fondón, Fernando Álvarez García, Lourdes Tajes Martínez, Ana Belén Martínez Prieto, Raúl Izquierdo Castanedo: Persistencia en Sistemas Operativos Orientados a Objetos. Ventajas para los Sistemas de Gestón de Bases de Datos. JIDBD 1996: 88-97

Coauthor Index

1Francisco J. Ballesteros [13] [15]
2Sara Isabel Garcia Baron [12]
3Raúl Izquierdo Castanedo [1] [4]
4Jesús Arturo Pérez Díaz [12] [14] [16]
5M. Ángeles Díaz [22]
6María Ángeles Díaz Fondón [1] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11]
7Andreas Gal [18]
8Fernando Álvarez García [1] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11]
9Néstor García-Fernández [21]
10Daniel Gayo-Avello [17] [19] [20] [21] [23] [24] [25]
11José Gayo-Avello [20] [21] [23] [24] [25]
12Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [17] [22]
13Lourdes Tajes Martínez [1] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11]
14Reinhard Meyer [13]
15Paniti Netinant [15]
16Francisco Ortin (Francisco Ortín Soler) [8] [9] [22]
17Benjamin López Pérez [2]
18Ana Belén Martínez Prieto [1] [3] [8] [9] [22]
19Agustín Cernuda del Río [21]
20Armando García-Mendoza Sánchez [6] [11]
21Frank Schubert [13]
22Ashish Singhai [13]
23Igor Sobrado [14]
24Olaf Spinczyk [18]
25Luis Vinuesa-Martínez [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)