
Purnima Gupta

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4EEE. Sampathkumar, B. Devadas Acharya, Purnima Gupta: Studying Properties of Graphs through Their k-vertex Subsets II. Notions of domination, coloring and covering. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 15: 168-174 (2003)
3EEB. Devadas Acharya, Purnima Gupta: On graphs whose domination numbers equal their independent domination numbers. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 15: 2-4 (2003)
2EEB. Devadas Acharya, Purnima Gupta: On point-set domination in graphs IV: Separable graphs with unique minimum psd-sets. Discrete Mathematics 195(1-3): 1-13 (1999)
1EEB. Devadas Acharya, Purnima Gupta: Domination in graphoidal covers of a graph. Discrete Mathematics 206(1-3): 3-33 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1B. Devadas Acharya [1] [2] [3] [4]
2E. Sampathkumar [4]

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