
B. Devadas Acharya

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13EEHarishchandra S. Ramane, Hanumappa B. Walikar, Siddani Bhaskara Rao, B. Devadas Acharya, Prabhakar Ramrao Hampiholi, Sudhir R. Jog, Ivan Gutman: Spectra and energies of iterated line graphs of regular graphs. Appl. Math. Lett. 18(6): 679-682 (2005)
12EEMedha Huilgol, Hanumappa B. Walikar, B. Devadas Acharya: DDR Graphs of Diameter Three. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 15: 103 (2003)
11EEE. Sampathkumar S. R. Sudarshan, B. Devadas Acharya, Suresh Nayak: Super magical Partitions of an Integer. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 15: 161-163 (2003)
10EEE. Sampathkumar, B. Devadas Acharya, Siddani Bhaskara Rao, Sheshayya A. Choudum: Studying Properties of Graphs through their k-vertex Subsets: I IIkappa-complete Graphs and IIkappa-completion numbers. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 15: 164-167 (2003)
9EEE. Sampathkumar, B. Devadas Acharya, Purnima Gupta: Studying Properties of Graphs through Their k-vertex Subsets II. Notions of domination, coloring and covering. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 15: 168-174 (2003)
8EEB. Devadas Acharya, Purnima Gupta: On graphs whose domination numbers equal their independent domination numbers. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 15: 2-4 (2003)
7EEB. Devadas Acharya, Shalini Joshi: On The Complement Of An Ambisidigraph. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 15: 5 (2003)
6EEB. Devadas Acharya, Mukti Acharya: A New Characterisation of Connected Hypergraphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 15: 6-9 (2003)
5EEB. Devadas Acharya, Purnima Gupta: On point-set domination in graphs IV: Separable graphs with unique minimum psd-sets. Discrete Mathematics 195(1-3): 1-13 (1999)
4EEB. Devadas Acharya, Purnima Gupta: Domination in graphoidal covers of a graph. Discrete Mathematics 206(1-3): 3-33 (1999)
3EEB. Devadas Acharya, S. M. Hegde: Strongly indexable graphs. Discrete Mathematics 93(2-3): 123-129 (1991)
2EEB. Devadas Acharya: Even edge colorings of a graph. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 35(1): 78-79 (1983)
1EEB. Devadas Acharya: Connected graphs switching equivalent to their iterated line graphs. Discrete Mathematics 41(2): 115-122 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Mukti Acharya [6]
2Sheshayya A. Choudum [10]
3Purnima Gupta [4] [5] [8] [9]
4Ivan Gutman [13]
5Prabhakar Ramrao Hampiholi [13]
6S. M. Hegde [3]
7Medha Huilgol [12]
8Sudhir R. Jog [13]
9Shalini Joshi [7]
10Suresh Nayak [11]
11Harishchandra S. Ramane [13]
12Siddani Bhaskara Rao [10] [13]
13E. Sampathkumar [9] [10]
14E. Sampathkumar S. R. Sudarshan [11]
15Hanumappa B. Walikar [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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