
Bin Guo

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13EEMahdi Khosravy, Mohammad Reza Alsharif, Bin Guo, Hai Lin, Katsumi Yamashita: A Robust and Precise Solution to Permutation Indeterminacy and Complex Scaling Ambiguity in BSS-Based Blind MIMO-OFDM Receiver. ICA 2009: 670-677
12EELongjun Huang, Liping Dai, Bin Guo, Gang Lei: Project-Driven Teaching Model for Software Project Management Course. CSSE (5) 2008: 503-506
11EEAicha Far, Bin Guo, Farid Flitti, Amine Bermak: Temperature Modulation for Tin-Oxide Gas Sensors. DELTA 2008: 378-381
10EEMaxime Ambard, Bin Guo, Dominique Martinez, Amine Bermak: A Spiking Neural Network for Gas Discrimination Using a Tin Oxide Sensor Array. DELTA 2008: 394-397
9EEFarid Flitti, Aicha Far, Bin Guo, Amine Bermak: Drift Invariant Gas Recognition Technique for On Chip Tin Oxide Gas Sensor Array. DELTA 2008: 421-424
8EEBin Guo, Satoru Satake, Michita Imai: Home-Explorer: Ontology-based physical artifact search and hidden object detection system. Mobile Information Systems 4(2): 81-103 (2008)
7EEBin Guo, Michita Imai: Home-Explorer: Search, Localize and Manage the Physical Artifacts Indoors. AINA 2007: 378-385
6EELongjun Huang, Minghe Huang, Bin Guo, Zhiming Zhuang: A New Method for Constructing Decision Tree Based on Rough Set Theory. GrC 2007: 241-244
5EEBin Guo, Amine Bermak, Maxime Ambard, Dominique Martinez: A 4×4 Logarithmic Spike Timing Encoding Scheme for Olfactory Sensor Applications. ISCAS 2007: 3554-3557
4EEMinghua Shi, Bin Guo, Amine Bermak: Redundancy Analysis for Tin Oxide Gas Sensor Array. DELTA 2006: 448-454
3EEBin Guo, Satoru Satake, Michita Imai: Sixth-Sense: Context Reasoning for Potential Objects Detection in Smart Sensor Rich Environment. IAT 2006: 191-194
2EEBin Guo, Zhe Li, Dan Li: Energy-Aware Improved Directed Diffusion Algorithm for Area Event Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Network. ICDCIT 2006: 41-48
1EEBin Guo, Zhe Li, Ze-Jun Wei: A Dynamic-cluster Energy-aware Routing Algorithm Based on Neural Structure in the Wireless Sensor Networks. CIT 2005: 401-405

Coauthor Index

1Mohammad Reza Alsharif [13]
2Maxime Ambard [5] [10]
3Amine Bermak [4] [5] [9] [10] [11]
4Liping Dai [12]
5Aicha Far [9] [11]
6Farid Flitti [9] [11]
7Longjun Huang [6] [12]
8Minghe Huang [6]
9Michita Imai [3] [7] [8]
10Mahdi Khosravy [13]
11Gang Lei [12]
12Dan Li [2]
13Zhe Li [1] [2]
14Hai Lin [13]
15Dominique Martinez [5] [10]
16Satoru Satake [3] [8]
17Minghua Shi [4]
18Ze-Jun Wei [1]
19Katsumi Yamashita [13]
20Zhiming Zhuang [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)