
Jens Grossklags

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14EEJens Grossklags, Nicolas Christin, John Chuang: Security and insurance management in networks with heterogeneous agents. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2008: 160-169
13EEJens Grossklags, Nicolas Christin, John Chuang: Predicted and Observed User Behavior in the Weakest-link Security Game. UPSEC 2008
12EEJens Grossklags, Nicolas Christin, John Chuang: Secure or insure?: a game-theoretic analysis of information security games. WWW 2008: 209-218
11EENathaniel Good, Jens Grossklags, Deirdre K. Mulligan, Joseph A. Konstan: Noticing notice: a large-scale experiment on the timing of software license agreements. CHI 2007: 607-616
10EEJens Grossklags: Experimental economics and experimental computer science: a survey. Experimental Computer Science 2007: 11
9EEJens Grossklags, Nathan Good: Empirical Studies on Software Notices to Inform Policy Makers and Usability Designers. Financial Cryptography 2007: 341-355
8EEJens Grossklags, Carsten Schmidt: Software agents and market (in) efficiency: a human trader experiment. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 36(1): 56-67 (2006)
7EENathaniel Good, Rachna Dhamija, Jens Grossklags, David Thaw, Steven Aronowitz, Deirdre K. Mulligan, Joseph A. Konstan: Stopping spyware at the gate: a user study of privacy, notice and spyware. SOUPS 2005: 43-52
6EEAlessandro Acquisti, Jens Grossklags: Privacy and Rationality in Individual Decision Making. IEEE Security & Privacy 3(1): 26-33 (2005)
5EENicolas Christin, Jens Grossklags, John Chuang: Near Rationality and Competitive Equilibria in Networked Systems CoRR cs.GT/0404040: (2004)
4EEJens Grossklags, Carsten Schmidt: Artificial Software Agents on Thin Double Auction Markets - A Human Trader Experiment. IAT 2003: 400-410
3EEAbhishek Ghose, Jens Grossklags, John Chuang: Resilient Data-Centric Storage in Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks. Mobile Data Management 2003: 45-62
2EEAbhishek Ghose, Jens Grossklags, John Chuang: Resilient Data-Centric Storage in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 4(11): (2003)
1EESarah Spiekermann, Jens Grossklags, Bettina Berendt: E-privacy in 2nd generation E-commerce: privacy preferences versus actual behavior. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2001: 38-47

Coauthor Index

1Alessandro Acquisti [6]
2Steven Aronowitz [7]
3Bettina Berendt [1]
4Nicolas Christin [5] [12] [13] [14]
5John C.-I. Chuang (John Chuang) [2] [3] [5] [12] [13] [14]
6Rachna Dhamija [7]
7Abhishek Ghose [2] [3]
8Nathaniel Good (Nathan Good) [7] [9] [11]
9Joseph A. Konstan [7] [11]
10Deirdre K. Mulligan [7] [11]
11Carsten Schmidt [4] [8]
12Sarah Spiekermann [1]
13David Thaw [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)