
Shirley Gregor

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14EEShirley Gregor, Deborah Bunker, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic, Mike Metcalf, Jim Underwood: Australian Eclecticism and Theorezing in Information Systems Research. Scandinavian J. Inf. Systems 19(1): (2007)
13EEDavid E. Avison, Shirley Gregor, David Wilson: Managerial IT unconsciousness. Commun. ACM 49(7): 88-93 (2006)
12EEHugh Roberts, Shirley Gregor: Why Australian Merchants Aren't Adopting E-Money. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 37(1): (2005)
11EEMaarten Bekking, Ariane von Raesfeld, Shirley Gregor: Mapping the degree of match between B2B interactions and inter-organizational systems: uptake of IOS in two Australian cooperatives. ICEC 2004: 325-333
10EESteven E. Stern, Shirley Gregor, Michael A. Martin, Sigi Goode, John Rolfe: A classification tree analysis of broadband adoption in Australian households. ICEC 2004: 451-456
9EENigel Martin, Shirley Gregor, Dennis Hart: Using a common architecture in Australian e-Government: the case of smart service Queensland. ICEC 2004: 516-525
8EEJohn Rolfe, Shirley Gregor, Don Menzies: Reasons why farmers in Australia adopt the Internet. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 2(1): 27-41 (2003)
7 Brett Lawton, Shirley Gregor: Internet Marketing Communications: Interactivity and Integration. E-Business: Multidisciplinary Research and Practice 2002: 239-257
6EEArjen Wassenaar, Shirley Gregor: E-Business Strategy Formulating and Forming: New Wine in Old Bottles? ECIS 2001
5EEShirley Gregor, Robert B. Johnston: Theory of Interorganizational Systems: Industry Structure and Processes of Change. HICSS 2001
4EEShirley Gregor: Explanations from knowledge-based systems and cooperative problem solving: an empirical study. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 54(1): 81-105 (2001)
3EERobert B. Johnston, Shirley Gregor: A Theory of Industry-Level Activity for Understanding the Adoption of Interorganizational Systems. ECIS 2000
2EEShirley Gregor, Robert B. Johnston: Developing an Understanding of Interorganizational Systems: Arguments for Multi-Level Analysis and Structuration Theory. ECIS 2000
1EEShirley Gregor, Izak Benbasat: Explanations From Intelligent Systems: Theoretical Foundations and Implications for Practice. MIS Quarterly 23(4): (1999)

Coauthor Index

1David E. Avison [13]
2Maarten Bekking [11]
3Izak Benbasat [1]
4Deborah Bunker [14]
5Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic [14]
6Sigi Goode [10]
7Dennis Hart [9]
8Robert B. Johnston [2] [3] [5]
9Brett Lawton [7]
10Michael A. Martin [10]
11Nigel Martin [9]
12Don Menzies [8]
13Mike Metcalf [14]
14Ariane von Raesfeld [11]
15Hugh Roberts [12]
16John Rolfe [8] [10]
17Steven E. Stern [10]
18Jim Underwood [14]
19Arjen Wassenaar [6]
20David Wilson [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)