
Anita Greenhill

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10EEJohn Campbell, Gordon Fletcher, Anita Greenhill: Sustainable virtual world ecosystems. DATA BASE 38(4): 29-31 (2007)
9EEAnita Greenhill, Liam P. Maguire, Seán Ó Nualláin, Maeve Paris: Book reviews. Artif. Intell. Rev. 25(4): 329-340 (2006)
8EEGordon Fletcher, Anita Greenhill, John Campbell: Fight club: culture, conflict and everyday life amongst an online 'community'. IJWBC 2(4): 474-489 (2006)
7EEMelanie Wilson, Anita Greenhill: Flexibility and Gender in the E-Society: Marxist Theory Applied to At-Home Telework. ECIS 2005
6EEMelanie Wilson, Anita Greenhill: Gender & teleworking identities: reconstructing the research agenda. ECIS 2004
5EELiisa von Hellens, Rosemary Pringle, Susan H. Nielsen, Anita Greenhill: People, business and IT skills: the perspective of women in the IT industry. SIGCPR 2000: 152-157
4 Rosemary Pringle, Susan H. Nielsen, Liisa von Hellens, Anita Greenhill, Lynne Parfitt: Net Gains. Woman, Work and Computerization 2000: 26-33
3EESusan H. Nielsen, Liisa von Hellens, Anita Greenhill, P. Halloran, Rosemary Pringle: IT degree studies and skills development for learning organisations. SIGCPR 1999: 261-267
2EESusan H. Nielsen, Liisa von Hellens, Anita Greenhill, Rosemary Pringle: Conceptualising the influence of cultural and gender factors on students' perceptions of IT studies and careers. SIGCPR 1998: 86-95
1EESusan H. Nielsen, Liisa von Hellens, Anita Greenhill, Rosemary Pringle: Collectivism and connectivity: culture and gender in information technology education. SIGCPR 1997: 9-13

Coauthor Index

1John Campbell [8] [10]
2Gordon Fletcher [8] [10]
3P. Halloran [3]
4Liisa von Hellens [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Liam P. Maguire [9]
6Susan H. Nielsen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
7Seán Ó Nualláin [9]
8Lynne Parfitt [4]
9Maeve Paris [9]
10Rosemary Pringle [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
11Melanie Wilson [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)