
Rob Gray

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4EERob Gray, Rayka Mohebbi, Hong Z. Tan: The spatial resolution of crossmodal attention: Implications for the design of multimodal interfaces. TAP 6(1): (2009)
3EEChanon M. Jones, J. Jay Young, Rob Gray, Charles Spence, Hong Z. Tan: An Eyetracker Study of the Haptic Cuing of Visual Attention. WHC 2007: 557-558
2EEJ. Jay Young, Hong Z. Tan, Rob Gray: Validity of Haptic Cues and Its Effect on Priming Visual Spatial Attention. HAPTICS 2003: 166-170
1EERob Gray, Hong Z. Tan, J. Jay Young: Do Multimodal Signals Need to Come from the Same Place? Crossmodal Attentional Links Between Proximal and Distal Surfaces. ICMI 2002: 437-441

Coauthor Index

1Chanon M. Jones [3]
2Rayka Mohebbi [4]
3Charles Spence [3]
4Hong Z. Tan [1] [2] [3] [4]
5J. Jay Young [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)