
Alan Gray

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10 Andrew Duller, Alan Gray, Daniel Towner, Jamie Iles, Gajinder Panesar, Will Robbins: Development of a Family of Multi-Core Devices Using Hierarchical Abstraction. CPA 2007: 465-477
9EEAndrew Duller, Daniel Towner, Gajinder Panesar, Alan Gray, Will Robbins: picoArray Technology: The Tool's Story CoRR abs/0710.4814: (2007)
8EEAlan Gray, Andrew Jackson, Ioanna Stamouli, Shiu Lun Tsang: Forming Successful eXtreme Programming Teams. AGILE 2006: 390-399
7EELorna Smith, Mark Bull, Alan Gray, Joachim Hein: M05 - Application performance on the Blue Gene architecture. SC 2006: 219
6EEGajinder Panesar, Daniel Towner, Andrew Duller, Alan Gray, Will Robbins: Deterministic Parallel Processing. International Journal of Parallel Programming 34(4): 323-341 (2006)
5EEAndrew Duller, Daniel Towner, Gajinder Panesar, Alan Gray, Will Robbins: picoArray Technology: The Tool's Story. DATE 2005: 106-111
4EEElizabeth M. Daly, Alan Gray, Mads Haahr: On Using Peer Profiles to Create Self-Organizing P2P Networks. WOWMOM 2005: 588-592
3EEJean-Marc Seigneur, Alan Gray, Christian Damsgaard Jensen: Trust Transfer: Encouraging Self-recommendations Without Sybil Attack. iTrust 2005: 321-337
2EEAndrew Jackson, Shiu Lun Tsang, Alan Gray, Cormac Driver, Siobhán Clarke: Behind the Rules: XP Experiences. Agile Development Conference 2004: 87-94
1EEAlan Gray, Mads Haahr: Personalised, Collaborative Spam Filtering. CEAS 2004

Coauthor Index

1Mark Bull [7]
2Siobhán Clarke [2]
3Elizabeth M. Daly [4]
4Cormac Driver [2]
5Andrew Duller [5] [6] [9] [10]
6Mads Haahr [1] [4]
7Joachim Hein [7]
8Jamie Iles [10]
9Andrew Jackson [2] [8]
10Christian Damsgaard Jensen [3]
11Gajinder Panesar [5] [6] [9] [10]
12Will Robbins [5] [6] [9] [10]
13Jean-Marc Seigneur [3]
14Lorna Smith [7]
15Ioanna Stamouli [8]
16Daniel Towner [5] [6] [9] [10]
17Shiu Lun Tsang [2] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)