
Alastair Grant

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6EEFrances M. G. Pearl, Annabel E. Todd, Ian Sillitoe, Mark Dibley, Oliver Redfern, Tony E. Lewis, Christopher Bennett, Russell L. Marsden, Alastair Grant, David Lee, Adrian Akpor, Michael Maibaum, Andrew P. Harrison, Timothy Dallman, Gabrielle A. Reeves, Ilhem Diboun, Sarah Addou, Stefano Lise, Caroline Johnston, Antonio Sillero, Janet M. Thornton, Christine A. Orengo: The CATH Domain Structure Database and related resources Gene3D and DHS provide comprehensive domain family information for genome analysis. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Database-Issue): 247-251 (2005)
5EEScott Buffett, Alastair Grant: A Decision-Theoretic Algorithm for Bundle Purchasing in Multiple Open Ascending-Price Auctions. Canadian Conference on AI 2004: 429-433
4EEDavid Lee, Alastair Grant, Ian Sillitoe, Mark Dibley, Juan Garcia Ranea, Christine A. Orengo: A structural perspective on genome evolution. RECOMB 2004: 336
3 Juan Garcia Ranea, Alastair Grant, Janet M. Thornton, Christine A. Orengo: Microeconomic Principles Explain an Optimal Genome Size in Bacteria. Spanish Bioinformatics Conference 2004: 43
2EEDavid Hutchison, Alastair Grant: Terminal concentrator for an Ethernet-style local network. Computer Communications 6(6): 291-296 (1983)
1 Alastair Grant, David Hutchison: X25 Protocols and Local Area Networks. Computer Networks 6(4): 255-262 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Sarah Addou [6]
2Adrian Akpor [6]
3Christopher Bennett [6]
4Scott Buffett [5]
5Timothy Dallman [6]
6Mark Dibley [4] [6]
7Ilhem Diboun [6]
8Andrew P. Harrison [6]
9David Hutchison [1] [2]
10Caroline Johnston [6]
11David Lee [4] [6]
12Tony E. Lewis [6]
13Stefano Lise [6]
14Michael Maibaum [6]
15Russell L. Marsden [6]
16Christine A. Orengo [3] [4] [6]
17Frances M. G. Pearl [6]
18Juan Garcia Ranea [3] [4]
19Oliver Redfern [6]
20Gabrielle A. Reeves [6]
21Antonio Sillero [6]
22Ian Sillitoe [4] [6]
23Janet M. Thornton [3] [6]
24Annabel E. Todd [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)