
Stefan Grünewald

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10EEStefan Grünewald, Vincent Moulton: Maximum Parsimony for Tree Mixtures. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 6(1): 97-102 (2009)
9EEStefan Grünewald, Andreas Spillner, Kristoffer Forslund, Vincent Moulton: Constructing Phylogenetic Supernetworks from Quartets. WABI 2008: 284-295
8EEStefan Grünewald, Dragan Stevanovic: Semiharmonic bicyclic graphs. Appl. Math. Lett. 18(11): 1228-1238 (2005)
7EEJan Weyer-Menkhoff, Claudine Devauchelle, Alex Grossmann, Stefan Grünewald: Integer linear programming as a tool for constructing trees from quartet data. Computational Biology and Chemistry 29(3): 196-203 (2005)
6EEDrago Bokal, Gunnar Brinkmann, Stefan Grünewald: Chromatic-index-critical graphs of orders 13 and 14. Discrete Mathematics 300(1-3): 16-29 (2005)
5EEAndreas W. M. Dress, Stefan Grünewald, Dragan Stevanovic: Semiharmonic graphs with fixed cyclomatic number. Appl. Math. Lett. 17(6): 623-629 (2004)
4EEStefan Grünewald, Eckhard Steffen: Independent sets and 2-factors in edge-chromatic-critical graphs. Journal of Graph Theory 45(2): 113-118 (2004)
3EEAndreas W. M. Dress, Stefan Grünewald: Semiharmonic trees and monocyclic graphs. Appl. Math. Lett. 16(8): 1329-1332 (2003)
2EEBojana Borovicanin, Stefan Grünewald, Ivan Gutman, Miroslav Petrovic: Harmonic graphs with small number of cycles. Discrete Mathematics 265(1-3): 31-44 (2003)
1EEStefan Grünewald: Harmonic trees. Appl. Math. Lett. 15(8): 1001-1004 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Drago Bokal [6]
2Bojana Borovicanin [2]
3Gunnar Brinkmann [6]
4Claudine Devauchelle [7]
5Andreas W. M. Dress [3] [5]
6Kristoffer Forslund [9]
7Alex Grossmann [7]
8Ivan Gutman [2]
9Vincent Moulton [9] [10]
10Miroslav Petrovic [2]
11Andreas Spillner [9]
12Eckhard Steffen [4]
13Dragan Stevanovic [5] [8]
14Jan Weyer-Menkhoff [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)